Although this a WASTE of time for both you(steviezee) and I and is NOT on topic...Im sure there is plenty of people on this site that can show you a good sounding exhaust on a civic......including myself
You never said what exhaust
Here is a stock Si with Exhaust....
The issue that I have here is that you said "this is a Civic Forum", however you are here, friend or not... If you are here, then fine, I have no issue with you or your opinion... But don't sit here and talk s**t about Civic's on a CIVIC forum and expect anyone to have any respect for anything you say.... If you "don't care" which I am sure you don't then don't leave comments... This forum is doing just fine without you if your gonna just sit here and talk s**t such as saying that Civic's don't sound good... That is YOUR opinion, there are plenty of people that think that Civic's sound just fine....
My point is either stay on topic and provide useful comments or STFU please!
Can we get back on the subject yet?