f**k Car Starters...


I had a Civic once.
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So... for those of you who don't know.. my car was originally automatic. When we converted it to a 5 speed, I left the car starter in... as long the car is left in neutral, it would work fine (No clutch safety switch). I don't actually use the car starter anymore since my ebrake cable freezes on me (lol), so I just leave it in gear with the ebrake down.. but I keep the remote on me and active since I use it to unlock my doors...

Aaaanyways... going to a bar last night with a couple buddies, it was really busy, so I had to parallel park on the street. Did my parking, put the car IN gear.. locked it and started to walk towards the bar. I get 2 feet from my car, and I hear it trying to start up.. I'm thinking WTF??

My car then lurches forward in little "hops"... and smokes the car parked in front of me. So basically.. my car started up without me in it, and just decided to be a douche and drive forward on it's own and rear end the car in front of me. Turns out I hit the start button on the remote when it was in my pocket :oops:

Basically, the car tried to start, but couldn't since it was in gear.. it would jump forward like a normal car stalling does... but since it was activated by the remote in my pocket, it keeps trying to restart itself... kept jumping forward every time it stalled.. until it hit the car haha.

I backed my car up... saw no damage on either ends (thankfully).. checked my Intercooler and IC piping... locked my car again, and then we all just laughed and walked over to the bar. So lesson learned here kids.. f**k car starters. (I took the remote off so it doesn't happen again, lol). :roll:


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buddy i worked with had his dodge ram with a remote starter. girlfriend didnt know to leave it in neutral with the brake on.

he started it before his shower to warm it up, it was in his living room when was finished. came right through the 8ft tall bay windows.


Too Much Traction
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I always warm up my car 5 mins before I leave work. One day I didn't feel like using the remote start and decided to sit in during the warm up. When I got into the car, I noticed it was left in first gear, lucky me. I always always leave it in neutral. There are no hills in my town.


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This is one of the reasons that I don't have one.


RHD is where its at
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i thought u were talking about the actual starter on the engine when i read the thread title...

i was like wtf?

Mr. Jollypants

Mr. f**king Jollypants
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i thought u were talking about the actual starter on the engine when i read the thread title...

i was like wtf?

I did too. I was thinking "He wants to go back to the hand crank days or something?"


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that sounds dangerous so if that car wasn't there to stop it it would have kept going ???


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I saw this app in the android market for a remote start system that you use your phone to turn the car on with, but I can't find the actual system anywhere... Any of you guys heard of it?


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I saw this app in the android market for a remote start system that you use your phone to turn the car on with, but I can't find the actual system anywhere... Any of you guys heard of it?
It's the viper smart start. DEI part # DSM100


Aqua Teen Christmas Force
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Can afford turbo system, can't afford to fix an ebrake cable.


Your Mom's Moderator
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that sounds dangerous so if that car wasn't there to stop it it would have kept going ???
I believe that the remote start systems try a certain amount of times and then stop. That way if it is on an older car with a carb and won't start, the system won't just keep trying over and over. It might even be adjustable.

wow, thats what happens when they arent hooked up properly
Doesn't have to do with the way it is hooked up. It has to do with the car being in gear. Push your clutch pedal in, start your car in first gear, then pop the clutch. That is essentially what happens when the remote start systems kick on when the car is left in gear.


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I believe that the remote start systems try a certain amount of times and then stop. That way if it is on an older car with a carb and won't start, the system won't just keep trying over and over. It might even be adjustable.

Doesn't have to do with the way it is hooked up. It has to do with the car being in gear. Push your clutch pedal in, start your car in first gear, then pop the clutch. That is essentially what happens when the remote start systems kick on when the car is left in gear.
it does have to do with how its hooked up, if its one that is MEANT to be on a manual and is hooked up properly you wont have to worry about it starting in gear because it has to see an exit sequence, if you hook one up that is meant for an automatic on a manual you are treading at your own risk

oh and LaPlaca92, firstech (people who make compustar, arctic start and some others) makes one too called the droid


Your Mom's Moderator
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it does have to do with how its hooked up, if its one that is MEANT to be on a manual and is hooked up properly you wont have to worry about it starting in gear because it has to see an exit sequence, if you hook one up that is meant for an automatic on a manual you are treading at your own risk

oh and LaPlaca92, firstech (people who make compustar, arctic start and some others) makes one too called the droid
Beat me to it before I could edit my post. I was thinking about it when I was out back smoking a cig. I forgot that they make remote start/alarm systems that are specifically catered to manuals. I haven't been in the alarm game in a long while and back when I used to do it the only ones you could get a hold of were the ones for autos and they had to be modified.

I do agree that you are working at your own risk when running an auto remote start. I used to make people sign a waver saying that they understand that it is meant to be for an auto and if there is any damage to the vehicle or property on account of them leaving it in gear, I wasn't held responsible.


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one of the places i worked at the previous installer had one on his truck and it wasnt set up for a manual even though it was able to do it, he left it in gear and took out the back of a garage and side swiped 2 cars, the only thing i dont like about the exit sequence on mine is that if you open any doors before the next time you remote start it the system will reset and not let you remote start it unless you go through the whole exit sequence again, im always forgetting stuff in my car so it can be annoying at times...


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I have one on my civic. I think the lesson is if something is broke on your car (ebrake cable) fix it. This thread could very well read I'm and idiot I have remote start on my car and leave my car in gear.
