need to learn a little


New Member
Hello i have just bought a 94 civic an was wondering if anyone knew some good ways to give her some more power i would really appreciate some advice


is real and not fake!
5+ Year Member
They like bottles. Commonly it takes 6 hours to install. 5 of the hours is just deciding where you want to put everything aesthetically and ergonomically. 1 wire on engine is all it takes for electrical. 1 dry gas line on intake. Follow all the directions when you buy a kit and it is safe and cheapest way to add HP. Timing gear, fart can exhaust, good gas, and cold air intake is needed to enjoy the full potential, (sometimes up to an extra 75HP in case of emergencies) of what it can do with 4 prong spark plugs. Single prong supposed to melt off so I do not recommend it much on these systems.


New Member
Let Me Tell You What To Do...

1.Get Air Intake
2.Get Your Car Tuned And Specialy Carborator Cleaned Well With The Carborator Cleaner Must Spend One Whole Bottle On Carborator And It Must Be Done By Good Expert Mechanic
3.Get NGK Laser Irridium Plugs Heat Range
4.Try To Keep Your Fuel Tank Above Then Half Tank..If You Keep It Full Then Thats Great..
5.Get 11mm Heavy Duty Plug Wires
6.Put Concentrated Caltex Coolant In To The Radiator And Water Bottle... And Please Even Dont Mix 1% Of Water In it..Because.. As Concentrated The Coolant Will Be.. More The Heat It Will Absorb..
7.Change Engine Oil,Oil Filter On The Time..I Change My Car's After 3000 Kms

And These All Wont Cost You Much think so...


is real and not fake!
5+ Year Member
Those oldies but goodies throw the points in a baking soda and warm water bath if they look discolored or growing junk, grease them and sometimes they drive like a new car, especially if you go at the area like a dentist and make sure no plaque. Check compression, use thicker oil to build compression and advance timing. Drop some alcohol 1 part per 10 gasoline or acetone in the tank. Small 4 oz amount though just to clean the injectors. Enjoy your ride. Forget cold air when you can buy a flex hose for $25-$30 and lifetime filter with any sporty color same money to choose from. Save $100's over brand popular name gimmicks. Best tip ever doing retrospect. Honest to god. I pull 500HP and use this $35 universal flex tube now with Spectre air filter and it is pretty. I love it. Chrome and red. No Internet orders ---- Autozone. I can even snorkel with this damn thing. It is Sic! ;) I totally give it the g$$$ rating.


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IF you want power in your little coupe, you either going to have to swap your motor out or start a turbo build. Its hard to make a lot of horsepower on a d series unless you have a ton of money to blow. Usually for that same amount or less, you could have swapped an H22 or a B18C4 in it. Its all about what you want out of your car.

DJEarthquake, you should post pics of your 500hp EM2 build...


Frame Bangin
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No way in hell Dj has 500hp EM2. complete BS

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#1 wrecker builder
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Read his responses. Personally I highly doubt he knows how to wipe his own ass. Still trying to figure out why he said to put acetone.....finger nail polish remover into a gas tank.....f**kin tard nugget


Frame Bangin
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lol that would be horrible to put in your tank


is real and not fake!
5+ Year Member
Acetone is 150 octane and is in some injector cleaners already. Cars will run off anything that burns contrary to popular opinion. Mine runs off alcohol. Do not put more than 2-4 ounces of acetone of it in a full tank. If you get it on your paint , good luck =)

F1 race cars used turbo charged 1500cc engines that put out 1500 hp and more off paint thinner.

The Germans were able to pull 1500HP out of 1500cc also.

Everybody will argue as to what works. When I was growing up we would listen to all the old guys who won races. Moth balls in the tank is a thing of the past but used to work for a little pick-up.

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#1 wrecker builder
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Acetone is 150 octane and is in some injector cleaners already. Cars will run off anything that burns contrary to popular opinion. Mine runs off alcohol. Do not put more than 2-4 ounces of acetone of it in a full tank. If you get it on your paint , good luck =)

F1 race cars used turbo charged 1500cc engines that put out 1500 hp and more off paint thinner.

The Germans were able to pull 1500HP out of 1500cc also.

Everybody will argue as to what works. When I was growing up we would listen to all the old guys who won races. Moth balls in the tank is a thing of the past but used to work for a little pick-up.
Dude....shut up. Each time you post you my iq drops 20 points. Acetone is not 150 octane, since its not used as a conbustable there's no proof to your claim. Every post you've made is makin me believe this magical motor of yours is complete bull s**t....f1 cars put out that much because of millions of dollars spent on research an development into the motor. Most f1 engines are designed greater than 2 liters an range from 8 to 12 cylinders with average HP rating of 700 to 800. You can put what ever bull you want in your tank....its your car to f**k up. Obviously you have no experience in automotive field what so ever.....

92 EG Si

New Member
d16z6 help!!

hey everyone im new to this site and a new honda owner.. ive had a 92 civic hb before with a d1b vtec and sold for 800 bucks i have a 92 civic si hb with a d16z6 in it but i think theres something wrong wid it.. im thinkin of either doin a swapp cus the motor thats in it has a lil knock in it and even the smaller things worrie me.. wat would be best to just do a full rebuild of that motor or do a swapp whatever is cheapest.. for right now i want to have a reliable daily but still ok in power.. my old d15b vtec was faster than this.. can anyone help me out please i would really appreciate it...

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#1 wrecker builder
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hey everyone im new to this site and a new honda owner.. ive had a 92 civic hb before with a d1b vtec and sold for 800 bucks i have a 92 civic si hb with a d16z6 in it but i think theres something wrong wid it.. im thinkin of either doin a swapp cus the motor thats in it has a lil knock in it and even the smaller things worrie me.. wat would be best to just do a full rebuild of that motor or do a swapp whatever is cheapest.. for right now i want to have a reliable daily but still ok in power.. my old d15b vtec was faster than this.. can anyone help me out please i would really appreciate it...
Start a new in the engine tech section but to answer your question it depends on your overall goal an what you want to do with it


is real and not fake!
5+ Year Member
Acetone (CH3COCH3) is clearly 6 atoms of hydrogen, 3 carbon and 1 oxygen. Remind me what the space shuttle uses to escape our gravitational fields? Hydrogen + Oxygen!


Take your pick, science or sour puss. This is not saying my advice is any better or I am because I spent my entire life savings and time on a project car. My point, let's stay on task is spending over $300 for a quality cold air intake is not the wisest when a flex tube will do the same thing. I was saving the man $100's. If your advice is to not listen to me that is fine. Set down your brush because we get the picture.
Gasoline, or petrol, is a petroleum-derived liquid mixture which is primarily used as a fuel in internal combustion engines. It is also used as a solvent, mainly known for its ability to dilute paints. It consists mostly of aliphatic hydrocarbons obtained by the fractional distillation of petroleum, enhanced with iso-octane or the aromatic hydrocarbons toluene and benzene to increase its octane rating. Small quantities of various additives are common, for purposes such as tuning engine performance or reducing harmful exhaust emissions.
SOURCE:: <--- 1 source of octane rating for acetone.

Try doing your homework before flaming threat to pieces sir.

Whatever I say obviously has no guarantee or proof, just take what you can from it. People will always disagree. Just check out the educated vocabulary and decide for yourself is that intelligence or chip on the shoulder?

Quit quoting and insulting everything I say and me personally. You are out of line 26.


is real and not fake!
5+ Year Member
I saw a post with 800+ Hp Civic. Are you going to stalk that guy now or is this something personal? To the guy who started this post, if you want to learn a little, find a local garage with a dyno and talk to the mechanics there. This is quite bloodless. There are many things that can be done to make more horsepower, take your pick. Unless you got an extra car I do not recommend doing anything to her if you have to come here in the first place for advice to only get this. These sites are covered with people saying I have this kind of car, tell me what to do to make it fast. Any car can be fast and people argue on what does and does not do the trick, when in fact if you do it all, if you love your car that much, it will be worth the wait. You won't stop smiling when you see German Sports cars, Mustangs, Motorcycles, you name it, just eat dust. Dave Crower told me the stock crank won't hold any more than 15 PSI and 550HP. The machinist who set my valves said 7.5 bar then told me he misunderstood, .75 bar is the limit. The tuner spit and said we do 30 psi all the time on stock cranks. I was banging 40+ psi and never blew oil and or gaskets except oil return gasket months ago. I ran it with no oil just like the commercials unintentionally -- fill cap vibrated off -- my fault. Low and behold the damn thing still works. Next the smaller coolant line broke and lost much more than 20 IQ points watching the oil pressure drop Christmas day and the damn thing still made it to the gas station. =) Now it won't start. Shocker? No. I can hardly wait to tear it apart and build a K20 stroker . This was always intended to be a spare engine because the VIN numbers are not matching. D-series,the red headed step child of Honda engines. The Japanese loved them. Cheap to build. They used them a year before and after on my generation. Most guys prefer to work on your '94, the earlier years, so you got that going for you. I have had offers for brand new Mustangs for my car and I tell them hell no. That is what I used to have and it took me a while to accept the Honda engine is superior. We do not even know what kind of engine is in your '94. Is it an SI? What is it exactly? What is the compression ratio? What is the current compression reading? Do you really think an old car can handle anything to make it more powerful in the condition it is in now? How many miles is on it? Is it manual or automatic? Do you have a garage full of tools? All this things are necessary to make the next move.
