Turbocharging my d16y7, any ideas?


New Member
Ok so I'm new to this site, I own a 2000 Honda Civic coupe, and I'm here to seek the wisdom of my peers.
My car has a 1.6l SOHC d16y7 engine, it's fully stock and it's be fairly well taken care of, my question to you is this: Can I run boost on this thing without messing with the pistons? and if so how much? I've been told by some people that this engine fully stock can withstand 5-8 psi, and that they post respectable increases in power. However I have also heard people say that it will instantly explode into a fiery inferno of broken rods and melted pistons and I really don't much care for that idea.
Now let me just say that I have no intention of turning my car into a hardcore racer and I don't really want to spend a lot of money on it, I have seen turbo kits for around 600 to 1200 $ and I would be willing to shell out that kind of cash for a little more power. That being said this car is my daily driver and I need to know that it won't randomly explode on the highway.
If you're a 18 year old who's mommy bought you a fancy new Si don't bother posting your hate here, I only want to hear from people who are helpful and I would love to talk to someone who has done this before.
Thanks a lot for your help! =)

charlie brown

Registered VIP
well, you are correct on both counts. stock it should take like 8psi, and yes without the propper engine management and tunning it will turn into soup. you will get bored with that little boost and want to turn it up, just build the thing with at least a piston rod combo and hondata or AEM for enging management. hope this helps, ill help you find as many aswers you can.


Frame Bangin
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well like he said both are right, but it wont be happening on 1200 bucks. your tune alone will be 500 plus and that doesnt include a chipped ecu or hondate, etc. most likely you will spend 2k plus on going turbo

charlie brown

Registered VIP
well like he said both are right, but it wont be happening on 1200 bucks. your tune alone will be 500 plus and that doesnt include a chipped ecu or hondate, etc. most likely you will spend 2k plus on going turbo
i've people ask me how much i spent on my car, i dont ever really tell. it makes me sick to think about. 2k$ was a long time ago for me. So, OP, save you're coins and get some quality parts. if you do enough shopping around and have patience you can find really good deals.=)


Frame Bangin
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lol i just dont want people to get into this and think it will be like a grand or so. it wont happen. tune is atleast half that lol


Registered VIP
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You can't exactly measure or predict how much "psi" your engine can take, it depends ON THE SIZE OF THE TURBO, condition of the motor and the quality of the tune.

Never try to turbo on the budget, it will bite you in the ass later.


Frame Bangin
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sure will. turbo and budget dont work in the same sentence
