well, it's taken too long on selling the skis, but i've come across several sweet deals as well. I really want to sell them sometime soon so I can get into the Civic scene..
okay, since that opportunity passed, another one arose..
for possible trade of the jetskis is a 93 Del Sol.
Link to NOSR forum: http://www.nostreetracing.org/forums/showthread.php?t=18049
(i think you have to be a member to view enlarged pictures)
and he's selling a complete and fully built H22A1 swap separately..
(i think for maybe $3500 obo? but i dont quite have that kinda money)
so, I want to hear your opinions.. DISH EM ALL!!!!
I hear ya man. Yeah, I'd MOST like to get a 5th gen hatchback or coupe.take your time with this stuff man, I just bought my first civic as well (had been saving and searching for 5+ months) and seriously its easy to want to jump on the first couple rides that come along, I almost bought a 92 automatic DX with no AC for $100 more than I paid for my 97 EX with all the options. Wait and get what you WANT don't just settle for what you can get right now, your stuff will sell eventually but mean while you can save what you can and fart around on these forums.
best of luck to you