cap' n' crunch walks the plank


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Not too upset about it. They're still producing and selling it. You just won't see tv/print ads for it anymore. However, this may drop sales and PepsiCo may terminate it.

I'm not a big cereal person anymore, but the Cap'n is my favorite. I guess as long as they are still making the cereal, I have nothing to complain about it. It's no secret how fat America is and how much fatter we are getting. Will doing this help anything? Probably not. It will be interesting to see what this will bring in the near future though. You think other brands will fall off TV/print ad?


captin sleep0
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that is my main point, should government control/regulate how a company advertises a product? i dont eat this product because i was raised to make healthy choices.


No Fun
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SAD SAD day, I love that stuff... Maybe thats why Im fat lol


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Commercials make kids eat that ceral and get fat not there parents that can read how much sugar is in there that buy it.
Even in that article they said theres still alot of cerals with high sugar content being marketed to kids. Last i checked kids dont buy groceries its the parents job to regualte what there children eats and teach them healthy habbits. I just hate how it seems that people always try and find a scapgoat for s**t. America is obese cause you wont put down the fork not cause of commercials or adds or any of that bs. Its cause you teach your kids to eat unhealthy and eat 30 times a day and oh now there unhealthy capt crunch must be stoped. End of my rant for today i was bored before work lol.

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i rock the sohc
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Just another way for parents to pass of the blame onto someone else.


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thats what the cap'n gets for cutting the s**t out of the roof of my mouth.

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i rock the sohc
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They say its bad for kids because of the sugar levels. Well instead of taking the product away, shouldnt the parents regulate how much sugar their children consume? Its all part of the pussification of America, and the fact that people dont want to take responsibility, so they blame it on the company that manufactures the product.


captin sleep0
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sorry lol, i meant it in the way of facebook "like" not as in please expand upon this statement =) but i agree with your last statement full heatedly. self regulation, will power, and control need to be practiced more in this country, its sad that we have to have government regulations like this.

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i rock the sohc
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sorry lol, i meant it in the way of facebook "like" not as in please expand upon this statement =) but i agree with your last statement full heatedly. self regulation, will power, and control need to be practiced more in this country, its sad that we have to have government regulations like this.
oh haha :thumbup:

oh and its funny that people cry that the government is too controlling and they arnt really "free" yet they want the government to step in and do s**t like this.


captin sleep0
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sad really. pisses me off, that i have to pay for someone else's stupidity


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The day I hate my government is the day they say I can't stand in my backyard naked, smoking, and drinking a beer all the while I strut around with an erection.

But, on a serious note; people are just too lazy these days and lack basic common sense of life.


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Its much easier for people to be lazy pieces of s**t not take responabilty for anything and play the vicitim.


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The day I hate my government is the day they say I can't stand in my backyard naked, smoking, and drinking a beer all the while I strut around with an erection.
I can do this, and I still hate the government....
