yea i am thinking about boosting it sometime this summer along with replacing my rods n pistonsWith all the work you have shown towards your d16, you might as well boost the damn thing.
Glad to hear your leaning towards the boost it would be a shame to have all the work you already have on the y8 then pull it just to put in a b and start over. What turbo setup are you looking at? How high are you going to try and turn up the boost on her?
cool stuff! going with vitara or something else?im going to replace pistons n rods n hopefully increase my boost to 15 or so
the power curve is probley alot nicer than the b...You guys are a bunch of downers. I say right on to all motor d. 131 aint bad. Probly close enough to a b16 stock. If he does go boost them the supporting mods will be even better. Except maybe the cams.
lol yeah bro i respect you for that, do your own thing. When i told peoples im doing a f20b swap they all laughed but f**k it, i jus wanna be different than everybody else.yea evry 1 says do a swap.but i dont wanna b like evry other guy with a gsr lol .keep'n it original lmao. just starting off little then go big later. well c what i do in the summer have to many plans, either turbo or more upgrades maybe even a poormans type r
yeapp anything can b done just takes time .lol yeah bro i respect you for that, do your own thing. When i told peoples im doing a f20b swap they all laughed but f*** it, i jus wanna be different than everybody else.