I don't understand why anyone would get anything else other than an ASR brace. The ASR is 1 solid piece, no holes for bling, no nothing. Holes like that BWR on might make it "look REALLY SWEET!!!111!!!!11!!", but they just give the brace a reason to crack or possibly break under heavy load.
I don't understand why anyone would add the extra weight from an ASR, Funtion7 or Blackworks kit...
Those blingy subframe plate covers are just that, blingy subframe plate covers. The actual pieces that prevent subframe tear are nearly identical for ALL of those companies INCLUDING the Beaks kit. The Beaks kit however leaves out the blingy subframe plate.
Here is the Beaks kit. These pieces are all that is necessary to prevent tearing.
Now here is the ASR kit. See the pieces towards the bottom? Don't they look similar to the Beaks kit?
Here's the Function7 kit. Notice the pieces towards the bottom center? Look familiar?
And here is the Blackworks kit. See the pieces to the right? Yup, same thing from all the other kits.
What I am saying is, those plates that ASR, Function7, and Blackworks provide aren't necessary. They probably do about as much as a typical rear lower tie bar does. Regardless, I HIGHLY doubt ANY of those pieces would crack because there is likely very little load being passed through them. I have had my Beaks brace with a 22mm rear swaybar on for around 4 years and have gone through 3 different suspension/spring setups with that bar on there. I used to daily drive my car(about 3 years with the Beaks kit on), I AutoX and have seen road course. It is still holding strong.