Ok... I've been given clearance to speak in this thread now that everyone has given their opinion.
The dwindling staff number has become a direct result of our attempts to end senseless bickering, remove closed-mindedness, and filter out hunger for power. At least 2 of the former mods that are no longer with the staff had "team issues". As an example of a team issue, I cite the example of complete unwillingness to go with the majority opinion. It didn't matter if the entire staff agreed with something. If that particular staff member(s) didn't agree with it, according to him, it shouldn't be that way.
If you're going to give an example, give a name. I resigned because I got tired of being the minority and no one taking my opinion seriously. There was no point in being on a team if your opinion isn't being taking seriously. My best interest was in the CC, to bring new members in. The current staffs best intention is to keep the current members but make them post more.
Example? Right now. The majoirty of posting in this thread is OGs, current staff has not gone out of their to talk to those that they really need, the new members and the lurkers.
I fought hard for that New Members section, I fought for that even before I was a mod.
This is a quality that is hindering in the mod staff. We need everyone to be on the same page. That doesn't mean that we all have to agree with each other, but nothing should be taken personal and the majority vote should be accepted, even if it doesn't agree with the way you were raised or the way you think.
This majority vote is going to kill the site and the quality of it. You have no checks and balances, you have staff members that are "Yes" men, no one in the current staff has the balls to argue with leadership, to fight for their opinion.
You want an example. Look at the state of the current political situation. That's an example of where staff is going, where majority does what they want and ignores the minorities opinion, then all the fights begin and then your are at where we are today.
I resigned because I got tired of having "Yes" men agree with whatever the leadership says.
I agree with Victor when he said he thinks we're moving in the right direction. Our numbers are small right now, but we've been scouting out new members who have been helpful across the board, not just in off topic and we will be adding to the staff shortly. In addition, we recently added a new staff member who seems to be very level-headed, but is quite a bit younger than the rest of us. We did this in order to get a different viewpoint, someone who's a bit newer to the site and may have different ideals. We had hoped this would help us round out the staff and add diversity.
This was done with 1SIK, he's a good guy, but it never turned into what it should have been.
You mentioned that there may be a group of mods who are afraid to speak up to me. I truthfully and honestly wish that any moderator who sees fault in me state it in here, publicly. That is a request and a desire. Victor, Xploder, Greg, Anthony, Justin, and anyone who I may not be thinking of at the moment - please speak honestly and truthfully if you think I am closed-minded or have any other flaw that you see as a detriment to the staff.
Ever since Biz was removed, you've changed, the whole staff has changed. It went from making compromises and having a decent argument, to "Majority rules. Either agree with us, or shut up." I got tired of that.
I think your short time as moderator was during one of the worst times in CC moderator history. A certain staff member made things VERY difficult for everyone. The situation was handled, by Jay Jay directly. Everything has been much smoother since.
It was smoother until the last week or two, where it completely turned around.
Current staff needs to consider major changes with how staff works, and get in some checks and balances to those that don't agree with majority can still have their opinions heard, and compromises made for those. Until then, all you're doing is hindering growth.