Quick tips for a wire tuck?


Hey guys, I'm new on here so i hope I'm posting under the right category.

Anyway i just pick up an EG a couple weeks ago and I've been sitting looking it over more and more and there's just so many stupid things done to it. One thing specifically is the wiring, It's very very messy and I cant stand looking at it anymore. Let alone the fact that half that stuff isn't hooked up right. Now I've never been bad at wiring or anything so that's no issue to me. However i figure since i have to go through pretty much all the wiring why not go for a wire tuck? I guess my point here is I understand how to do a wire tuck, but I want to know roughly how long of a time span I'm looking at here considering I've never done one before.
Also any other information you could give me about this that would make things go smoother and quicker that would help out a great deal.
So thanks ahead of time and i hope to hear back soon!

Also if anyone wants to butt in on this one: I've been considering doing the d15 head swap on my d16 motor. Now I've heard mixed reviews about doing this so if anyone else wants to give me their opinion feel free.


Registered VIP
Im going to guess a wire tuck is tucking in all the wires? yes? what wires are sticking out?

[P1] HeadGasket

New Member
i did one on my car and the only thing i really recommend is that you solder and heat shrink all connections because its so not worth going back and untaping and removing parts to get to your hidden wires that have split apart over time! saves lots of time and/or money in the long run

it took me a week to completely finish

:lots of solder and a soldering iron
:lots of heat shrink wrap of different sizes
:i removed my head, relocated my fuse box and battery for this you will need lots of extra gauge wire
:electrical tape
:dykes or wire cutters
:some beer or something to drink because it gets boring lol maybe even a magazine to look at during breaks lol


Frame Bangin
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take your time, mark your wires, prepare to be bored out of your mind, get a friend to do it with you, get some beer and other products of that sort.

I did mine, and its very tedious boring work that im not totally sure was even worth it now that i think about it


Registered VIP
take your time, mark your wires, prepare to be bored out of your mind, get a friend to do it with you, get some beer and other products of that sort.

I did mine, and its very tedious boring work that im not totally sure was even worth it now that i think about it
so what exactly is a wire tuck? you just re wire/locate everything in the car?

charlie brown

Registered VIP
holy clean batman! so sweet to see it done up correctly. yellow, reds into burgundy it looks like on the fuel rail, sick! cant forget the pink condenser bracket lol


Frame Bangin
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condensor bracket is no longer there, made my own that is hidden and the dip stick isnt pink. my friend painted those two pieces and fender washers as a joke one night. but it doesnt matter because its all going to change soon anyways. gold bay on the way

For the OP, there are a lot of how to's on wire tucking


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Doing wire tucks aren't that boring or hard at all. The first time you might be like "wth am I doing I don't wanna mess anything up" but after a few wires it's easy and logical. I've done a few tucks and they were all pretty easy. Just need to have some logic.


Frame Bangin
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oh yeah, they are definately easy. but as for the boring part, i found it to be. its very repetitive.


Ordering Civic HB Parts
5+ Year Member
i wouldn't imo.. unless your going for a show car
i had a friend that did it, and when he started having problems it was more of a pain in the arse to diagnose because it could be a broken wire and or other problem. i see no point in doing it. other then for a show car. but then again your car you do what you want. =]


Frame Bangin
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i had a friend that did it, and when he started having problems it was more of a pain in the arse to diagnose because it could be a broken wire and or other problem. i see no point in doing it. other then for a show car. but then again your car you do what you want. =]
if you do it the right way, its actually easier to diagnose. atleast to me it is. i know exactly where to look for any problem


Thanks for all the advice guys, I was going to do this last week when I had time off from school and had a friend to give me a hand, but unfortunately i never got around to it. The advice is very helpful tho and i will most definitely do a tuck when im ready to swap my F23 into the car. I guess it makes more sense to do it then considering the car will be in pieces anyway. But once again Thank you for the helpful tips and ill remember them for sure when the timing is right!

