What Makes You A Regular Poster at ClubCivic?


Rubbin on yo booty
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I'm here to talk crap and cause as much trouble as I can...



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I still post cause this was my first forum to be on. And over the years you start talking to these guys on a daily basis and it's just kinda home ya know? Hell I haven't even had a civic now for a while and still log in allllllll the time just cause it's funny as hell. Became good friends with alot the Alabama crew,Denny , Vic the d**k.Giving Gay John hell,and tons of other guys on here. In other words let's all get close..........

And cry and have a circle jerk and John is the pivot girl ;)


Failboat sails at 9
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And cry and have a circle jerk and John is the pivot girl ;)
John is still the pivot girl? I thought you agreed to be said pivot girl next time???


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only if i can borrow johns turtle neck and cat


Has no filter
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Joey, Vic, Anfrey, Ron, Kelly, Brian, and a few others.
Awww, <3!! :kisskiss:
Originally Posted by vjf915
the main reason why i come on here regularly is the same reason why i go to the mall.......to pick up underage women... And power flex at all the high school guys to make them feel like douches before i steal their girl

And to stalk Pumas.


Failboat sails at 9
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Awww, <3!! :kisskiss:
Originally Posted by vjf915
the main reason why i come on here regularly is the same reason why i go to the mall.......to pick up underage women... And power flex at all the high school guys to make them feel like douches before i steal their girl

And to stalk Pumas.


silent partner
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I do it for the money........And.... i love it here........:mrgreen:


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For the "You laugh, you lose" thread.
Really though, I love this forum. Lots of great stuff here.


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Let the flaming commence.


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I visit everyday so I can learn as much as I can so when I get my money up I can build a beautiful JDM civic and have all you guys drooling over it... and to get into the get high thread! :Raza:


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John's here for the sentimental value.....and the sticky man-love.


All Day, Every Day
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joined to read diys, and learn about my civic, stayed for the laughs and because when i'm bored i have something to do :lol:


captin sleep0
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the slim chance that one of the girl members will show her nasty bits keeps me coming back.


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^lol better chance of John letting you see his Wang
