94 Ej1 HELP NOOB***


New Member
So i got my Ej1 a couple months ago and i nee some advice..
Its a 94, Daily driver with an automatic transmission.
Iv already decided on the springs im getting but i have a few more questions.
Im not trying to turbo cuz its such an old car i think its pointless.. plus its my DD.
So what are the best and most recommended parts for a Naturally tuned car
I want to go Cold air intake ( not sure on brand)
i want to go with the Yonaka catback exauhst system.
as far as Headers and Fuel systems or electronics i am CLUELESS!

Also i was wondering if i should do the transmission or even a motor swap...

HOWVER KEEP IN MIND i am a starving college student with a part time job.
Thanks for the advice, i tried at Honda-Tech and they tore me a new one LOL


New Member
p.s. i was told that doing the transmission or motor swap was "like trying to go to china when you only want to go to L.a."
idk i guess he meant its realy not worth it..


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Your best best is to do a auto to manual swap.
If you want to keep it auto than buy a cheap short ram intake off ebay dont use the filter that came with it and buy an aem dryflow filter its cheaper than buying a whole name brand intake.
Yonaka catback is good i have it and love it.
Megan racing makes pretty cheap headers thats what the header on my car is and i like it and it was pretty cheap.
fuel system and electrnics you are way ahead of your self none of that needs to be upgraded sadly man its an auto so even with i/h/e you arent going to see hardly any hp increase
Unless you have boost or juice on it you wont need to upgrade your fuel system for bolt ons the stock parts will do fine


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Registered VIP
what motor is in the car now?


New Member
its a stock d16. how much power are we talking with the i/h/e and why short ram rather than cold air? i was told cold air is better. im in Southern Cali so large puddles and snow isnt a problem


New Member
it wouldn't be worth swapping to stick in my opinion i say do some small things to it that could catch peoples eye and sell it to get a 5 speed.


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d16 what y7 y8 which one
your gonna see at the very best 10-15 hp from i/h/e
On a d series there is no difference in power gain from a short ram to a cold air so just go with the cheaper route


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Yes its a z6 and you do not need a vtec controller you have nothing to tune even with all the bolt ons so you have no reason to change when vtec engages.
It engages where it is most helpful stock untill you do some serious modding you have no reason to change it.
The only way to really tell if what your changing it to is helpful is to do it on a dyno and check the results.
Dont waste your money just to chage vtec engagment


New Member
Its just that from what o understand the engine has lo power in the lo rpms. so i figured maybe the controller would help that


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no if you set the vtec to engage at 3k then it would but it would feel more sluggish where it should have normally engaged you dont need untill you have some serious mods and even then you need a dyno to do it right


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the intake name brand or not is going to add the same hp amount on a deries just go with the ebay kit with an aem filter
If you dont wanna go turbo then start with all the bolt ons i/h/e skunk2 or blox intake manifold with hondata gasket might as well since you will have it pulled off, b series throttle body, whatever stage cam you want and cam gear then see how nuch power you get out of that and how much more you want


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ignore the hp gains listed under parts they are not true no bolt on part expecially on a d series is going to give you close to 6-15 for just one part


New Member
Oh okay sweet I just wasn't sure what I could and couldn't do for a d series engine, especially cuz most everyone would say just boost or motor swap. But like I said I'm real short on dough.
By eBay intakes you mean the 20 dollar ones ?? Lol


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Yeah the 20 dollar ones when you get it see what size the filter end of the pipe is and the filter thats on it then order an aem dryflow filter in the size you need.
People say boost or motor swap because even all those things on that list and a tune arent going to net you much hp, but its your car man if you dont want to turbo and you want to do all those things then by all means do it. My car is my dd so it will never see turbo ive already built a boosted car and just tinker with the civic for fun when i have extra money so mine will never go past the bolt ons in that list.


New Member
Thanks for all your help dude your the only one who seems to care haha!
so what would say are some decent Cam gears and shafts to look at?
for my ride anyways
