have a look at this: http://www.courthousenews.com/2011/05/31/36936.htm
I got to talk to his brother matter of factly. I was up in Seattle not too terribly long ago after hearing of this tragedy and just so happened to walk by the dedication totem pole. I didn't read the article here because frankly, the way both sides handled the story was not pertinent to helping.check this out cop shoots and kills a deaf wood carver in the back he was a 50 year old native artists .
No sir, neither of those uses of force would have been a good decision as well. Knives are dangerous tools, and there are many people capable of performing a multiple slash attack that will not only kill you, but spill out your guts before you can say "stop". For this exact reason, the standard distance for an officer to open fire on a suspect with a knife is 20 feet. Therefore tackling someone with a knife is NOT a smart move.Tackling the guy or tasering him would have been a way better way to subdue the guy.