Bull. I lived one house away from a girl who would still be in 4th grade if it weren't for No Child Left Behind. This girl put less than 24 hours of work into her school career, inside and outside of school. She had no right to graduate 8th grade let alone graduate high school. Poles apart. It's not the area you live in, parents matter. The area you live in may have an effect on education, but it's an INDIRECT effect that does not guarantee the results you claim.It's because education absolutely correlates to local families income. You live in an area with above average income, you're going to get above average education. You go to a city with extremely low incomes, and you're going to have an education system that's also extremely low. It's how it's been. You have money, you can afford better education.
That's completely impossible Jason. We live in a society of "gimme because I want it." There's no way to regulate who actually does deserve it and who doesn't. Then you'll get people who say "The Johnson's get it, and I'm in a tougher situation, I need it." Next thing you know, everyone is complaining that they don't get it, but someone else does. Anthony is completely right.....all of it needs to be yanked. Just GTF rid of it, and people might actually start working for what they deserve.Instead of completely yanking it, provide it to those that actually need it, and yank it from those that are abusing it.