Ralph's Honda Civic SiR Ferio EK Sedan


New Member
Wassup ClubCivic, I'm new to the site. I drive a Civic SiR Ferio Rep. Thinking about gettin rid of her, not sure yet. Let me know what ya think.




Registered VIP
Judging by the for sale sign you already decided to get rid of it.


Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
f**k I want to fly out to Massachusetts right now and buy this thing. Selling this is slapping god across the face.


New Member
Registered VIP
Registered OG
5+ Year Member
f*** I want to fly out to Massachusetts right now and buy this thing. Selling this is slapping god across the face.
Selling a Civic is slapping God across the face?

OP, how much do you think you can get for the car? If you do sell it, what do you plan on getting?


New Member
Not sure how much I can get for it. I know I wont get what I invested. But I would like to get an s2000 next.
