Gain time only works down to 85% of the proposed sentence. I don't entirely know when this 85% is applied.. but best case scenario for her
She's supposed to serve 4 years. Good time can reduce it by up to 1/3rd. This will take off about a year and 4 months. Sentence is down to 2 years and 8 months. Now if they take the 85% rule from here, then best case scenario she'll still have to serve 2 years and 3 months.
She first went to jail in July of 2008, but was bailed out a month later. The time that she's bailed out... does that count as jail time? If it does, then yea.. I'd say she's about done. If it doesn't, then it looks like she'll probably serve around 2 years if my understanding of the legal jargon is anywhere near correct... which it probably isn't, because I have no experience reading that crap. lol