Casey Anthony Trial


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except for maybe the douchebags of wbc.
It's going to be HARD for someone to take the title from The WBC. I don't think that will happen for quite some time.
Personally, I think entirely too much energy is being spent on this... call me a piece of s*** if you want, but to quote another (real) piece of s***, "The death of one man is a tragedy, the death of millions is a statistic." There is way more death and suffering going on in the world besides one child being murdered (or not) by her bats*** insane (or not) mother.
I couldn't agree more! When everyone was ranting and raving about this at work yesterday, I asked who Casey Anthony was and what she was tried for. They looked at me in astonishment, I had never even heard of her before let alone knew what the case was about. They asked what rock I was living under. I said "Sorry, I don't waste my time gaining more knowledge about other people's lives than myself." I'm sorry, but honestly....WGAF?? I surely don't. No decision made by the jury will bring that girl back, let's all move on with our lives.

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sentenced to 4 years total, rumor is with her time served, good time and gained time, she could be released late this month or next month.


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Gain time only works down to 85% of the proposed sentence. I don't entirely know when this 85% is applied.. but best case scenario for her

She's supposed to serve 4 years. Good time can reduce it by up to 1/3rd. This will take off about a year and 4 months. Sentence is down to 2 years and 8 months. Now if they take the 85% rule from here, then best case scenario she'll still have to serve 2 years and 3 months.

She first went to jail in July of 2008, but was bailed out a month later. The time that she's bailed out... does that count as jail time? If it does, then yea.. I'd say she's about done. If it doesn't, then it looks like she'll probably serve around 2 years if my understanding of the legal jargon is anywhere near correct... which it probably isn't, because I have no experience reading that crap. lol

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i rock the sohc
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judge and defense council were suppose to gather information and decide on how much time she will serve based off of what the jail shows as time already served.


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Yea, but what counts as time served? She was in jail for a month before being bailed out. Does only the one month count? Or does the time she was bailed out for count also? Also, can she earn good time and gain time while bailed out?


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hmm, 6 days.


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Im going clubbing Wednesday, i'll let you guys know if I run into her.


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^^^ hope you didn't murder your child for it.


Your mom's boyfriend
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I couldn't agree more! When everyone was ranting and raving about this at work yesterday, I asked who Casey Anthony was and what she was tried for. They looked at me in astonishment, I had never even heard of her before let alone knew what the case was about. They asked what rock I was living under. I said "Sorry, I don't waste my time gaining more knowledge about other people's lives than myself." I'm sorry, but honestly....WGAF?? I surely don't. No decision made by the jury will bring that girl back, let's all move on with our lives.
I'm glad someone else has the balls to say that s**t.


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I'm glad someone else has the balls to say that s***.
no man, the person who posted that is ignorant. clearly he doesn't follow the news or any current events. He also does not understand what the trial is about. sounds like an un-educated person with nothing to do in life but to work on cars.


Your mom's boyfriend
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no man, the person who posted that is ignorant. clearly he doesn't follow the news or any current events. He also does not understand what the trial is about. sounds like an un-educated person with nothing to do in life but to work on cars.
I can't speak for the other guy, but maybe I've got better s**t to do, like keeping my aircrew alive, which allows them to save countless other lives. Perhaps you should widen your perspective to the whole world (since America is the leading force in such) rather than simply watching the network news. I encourage you and others to do so because there is way more going on throughout the world than what is presented through (and trust me, I hate to use this term for fear of sounding too much like a hipster or conspiracy theorist) mainstream media.

Mr. Jollypants

Mr. f**king Jollypants
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I can't speak for the other guy, but maybe I've got better s*** to do, like keeping my aircrew alive, which allows them to save countless other lives. Perhaps you should widen your perspective to the whole world (since America is the leading force in such) rather than simply watching the network news. I encourage you and others to do so because there is way more going on throughout the world than what is presented through (and trust me, I hate to use this term for fear of sounding too much like a hipster or conspiracy theorist) mainstream media.
Network News outlets also only report what they want you to hear, and twist and spin the story to fit their political agendas.

The news is filled with depressing stories 98% of the time, it's why I don't watch the news.


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no man, the person who posted that is ignorant. clearly he doesn't follow the news or any current events. He also does not understand what the trial is about. sounds like an un-educated person with nothing to do in life but to work on cars.
Yeah, cause we all care about what the hell happens in America's cock(FL). I don't. I only know about this because of stupid people with nothing more to do than worry about some whore's trial ALLLL the way in Florida that has no importance to me.

Do I care about this woman? No.
Do I give a damn about what she did? No.

I think people should worry more about this countries problems that affect every single person than some stupid person in Florida. If people put enough effort into this countries problems that they put into this stupid court case, maybe we wouldn't elect shitty Presidents, be involved in pointless wars, or have a financial problem.


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no man, the person who posted that is ignorant. clearly he doesn't follow the news or any current events. He also does not understand what the trial is about. sounds like an un-educated person with nothing to do in life but to work on cars.
Ignorant? Sorry bro, but some celebrity b*tch who I STILL don't even know WTF she is famous for, getting off from ALLEGEDLY murdering her daughter is not "news", nor is it "important"....therefore I do not NEED to know about it or keep up to date about it. The war in Iraq is "news". The war in Afghanistan is "news". Our current economic situation is "news". Other wars that may effect our military or our economic status are "news". This b*tch is not important, and neither is her trial. It doesn't effect me at all, and it doesn't effect any single person out there who is mad about her being found not guilty. Are you also going to call me ignorant for not knowing how many women Tiger Woods cheated on his wife with? These people are not anymore important than the regular Joe Schmoe, except the media seems to portray them as such. Get yourself a reality check, they're on sale at Wally World right now.


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If people put enough effort into this countries problems that they put into this stupid court case, maybe we wouldn't elect s***ty Presidents, be involved in pointless wars, or have a financial problem.
Amen brotha!!


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I will neither confirm nor deny.
