Okay i whle i was driving my car i was hittin 3rd all the way true 9500rpm then i heard a backfire. Then i was going to make a turn and my brake was stiff and after the backfire or loud pop same s**t my rpm needle went all the way down like if my car was turned off. Now i try to turn it on it goes wi wi wi wi and my car shakes and it wants to turn off but i stopped cuz its not safe. Could it be my gas pump. Any suggestions im really worried i hope i didnt blow the engine,but my friend blew his engine n oil was leaking but idont know any more expirience people can give me a hand thank you!
Ill give the return back and help people or you at my knowledge,hey maybe u dont know something that i know. Thank you
Ill give the return back and help people or you at my knowledge,hey maybe u dont know something that i know. Thank you