Radar Detectors


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Oh so keeping the roads safe is a problem now? Did you know that traffic violations are just about the ONLY crime you can catch people while they are actually violating the law? Patrolling neighborhoods does nothing to stop crime, because the chances of catching someone burglarizing, raping, robbing etc. are slim to none. Actually, you pull somebody over for a "technicality" like a broken tail light, and you find out they've got warrants out for other violations. In essence, random patrolling will catch more hard criminals than randomly expecting to drive by a crime happening.


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*shuts door behind him*
Don't let the door hit you in the *ss on the way out :lol:

In all seriousness, the thread itself wouldn't get you banned.....actions would. Feel free to participate civilly =)


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Oh so keeping the roads safe is a problem now? Did you know that traffic violations are just about the ONLY crime you can catch people while they are actually violating the law? Patrolling neighborhoods does nothing to stop crime, because the chances of catching someone burglarizing, raping, robbing etc. are slim to none. Actually, you pull somebody over for a "technicality" like a broken tail light, and you find out they've got warrants out for other violations. In essence, random patrolling will catch more hard criminals than randomly expecting to drive by a crime happening.
I'm not going to undertake research of academic proportions to argue with you. Or try to break down the shortfalls of our law enforcement/justice system in this country. You might be right. No harm intended :beer:

Interestingly, and while we're on the subject. They actually have police cruisers out here that have cameras on the trunk facing either side of the car aimed to capture images of every single license plate that passes the vehicle and instantly run them! Fun times! I love protection and service!


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I'm not trying to say that law enforcement is perfect by any means. It needs vast improvements on almost all fronts. But to complain about being pulled over because you were speeding is like complaining you got shot for pointing a gun at a cop.


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I'm not trying to say that law enforcement is perfect by any means. It needs vast improvements on almost all fronts. But to complain about being pulled over because you were speeding is like complaining you got shot for pointing a gun at a cop.

Right. But just for the record, I wasn't complaining. I was simply stating the conditions that typically surround my getting tickets, and pointing out that a detector might be of some use.

If I was complaining, it wasn't about being caught. :deadhorse2:


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At the end of the day, people will complain about the law. No matter how much it pleases anyone. People will always b***h about something.

I drive pretty normal now (compared to a long time ago at least). But my heart still starts to pump a little harder when I see a cop come up on me and ride me and then turn onto some random street. Really? So you can tail gate for no reason and we can't? If you're in such a hurry responding to a call, put your lights on or go around me.

But to complain about being pulled over because you were speeding is like complaining you got shot for pointing a gun at a cop.
But officer...I wasn't planning on doing harm!


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in virginia you can have a radar detecter in your car BUT it is illegal to have it plugged into a power source.

ill admit a radar detector has saved my friends a** a few times while iv been riding with them.

dont speed and you wont get tickets. at least for speeding anyways lol. i usually try to go with the flow of traffic.


Royal Member ~ RonJ
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wow guys this went off topic fast lol. Sometimes cops can be dicks and sometimes they aren't... I just wanted to figure out what peoples experiences with radar detectors were. but if ya'll want to rant about cops and weather they are good, bad, down right evil or just doing their job go right ahead and I'll put my 2 cents in too


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wow guys this went off topic fast lol. Sometimes cops can be dicks and sometimes they aren't... I just wanted to figure out what peoples experiences with radar detectors were. but if ya'll want to rant about cops and weather they are good, bad, down right evil or just doing their job go right ahead and I'll put my 2 cents in too
I didn't complained about the weather either! JEEEZE

Seriously though, sorry to jack your thread like that... just a little controversy.


Royal Member ~ RonJ
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my bad lol. Naw man its all good there always is cause its a touchy subject. If y'all want to continue talking about cops I'm down with it lol


Did sum1 say mud??
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I have an Escort Passport that my wife bought me when i had my Civic. It saved my behind many many times. They now have on ethat can remember where false alarms are and such. If you planning on getting a higher end one plan on dropping some cash. I think the latest Escort is close to the $500 mark or more.

Also in the state of Wisconsin its not illegal to have one, but it is illegal for it to be in the drivers line of sight.


I had a Civic once.
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I have the lowest model Cobra detector, from like 2007, and it's saved my ass MANY times.

Except for once... my radar went off AFTER the cop pulled me over. The cop was cool though, he let me off with a verbal warning, and before he left my window, he said "btw, how'd that radar detector work for ya?", then he smiled and left :lol:


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Except for once... my radar went off AFTER the cop pulled me over. The cop was cool though, he let me off with a verbal warning, and before he left my window, he said "btw, how'd that radar detector work for ya?", then he smiled and left :lol:
LMAO thats awesome
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