Official WoW (world of warcraft) thread


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I wish you could create a cross-server channel in-game so we could all talk to each other instead of having to whisper individually. Unless they already have that LOL.

And I forgot to add you hookers last night while I was playing. I'll do that tonight.

I don't get bored while herbing since I watch movies. Chatting with you hookers would be fun though and an additional distraction to make time pass.


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Still. Camping. Aeonaxx.


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I am so f***ing sick and tired of undercutting bastards that undercut by hundreds, sometimes THOUSANDS of gold...

There's this level 82 belt that drops off a rare in Uldum (called Tol'vir Hereditary Girdle). I found the rare yesterday, he's like a level 84 with 90k life...hardly a rare. So I get this belt and put it on the AH for 2500 buyout. It's not level 85 but it's rare and it's a good belt for it's level. I'm looking at the AH right now through my iPhone app and some stupid ass motherf***ing piece of s*** lists the same belt for 279.99.99 buyout. Why...WHY?!?!?! Ugh... Stupid motherf***er.

I wish you could send a letter with this app... I would call this guy a f**king moron right now.


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I know what your pain feels like


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I wish I could control how stupid people are. Seriously... Undercutting like hell. I have re-listed my auctions half a dozen times within the last 12 hours and I have dropped the price over 1000 gold in total. I'll stop myself before I rant again.

Joe - what enchants do you sell? There are like 67 pages of enchants on the ah on my server lol. I'm not gonna go through 1 by 1 to see what's popular. I'm way too lazy for that :lol:.

I decided to farm herbs for flasks now and eventually level a 2nd alchemist to make him a flask master and sell and ungodly amount of flasks. We'll see how long that lasts...


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School in an hour, working out after school, and work. ugh.


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I wish I could control how stupid people are. Seriously... Undercutting like hell. I have re-listed my auctions half a dozen times within the last 12 hours and I have dropped the price over 1000 gold in total. I'll stop myself before I rant again.

Joe - what enchants do you sell? There are like 67 pages of enchants on the ah on my server lol. I'm not gonna go through 1 by 1 to see what's popular. I'm way too lazy for that :lol:.

I decided to farm herbs for flasks now and eventually level a 2nd alchemist to make him a flask master and sell and ungodly amount of flasks. We'll see how long that lasts...

Enchant Chest - Mighty Stats is a consistent profit maker for me.
Enchant Weapon - Fiery Weapon is a good one if you can get the recipe for a decent price. I actually got it off a drop, so I didn't have to spend anything, but the recipe can be pretty pricey. All the newbs buy this enchant because it makes their weapon glow :lol:
Aside from that, I just look around and gauge prices.

A lot of the money I make is also off of disenchanting old equipment to get heavenly shards and maelstrom crystals.


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I missed Aeonaxx again last night. I don't know what happened this time... My sound was up, I was at my computer... but the audible alert didn't sound... so confused..

Not to mention, for the 3rd time now, some random person just flew up and got him. Not me or anybody else who has been camping.. just some lucky bastard who happened to fly in at the right time.


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That seriously sucks Joe... Did your girlfriend have to calm you down again? :lol: :lol:


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^^Yes, she did, actually. oh my god dude, so frustrating.


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Haven't really been motivated to play lately... I'm starting to get bored of farming lol. Maybe it's because I'm flooding the market with the same s**t.... Finally passed the 60k mark though. I've got a couple thousand in my mailbox atm and probably another couple thousand in herbs that I'm way too lazy to sell.


Failboat sails at 9
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Haven't really been motivated to play lately... I'm starting to get bored of farming lol. Maybe it's because I'm flooding the market with the same s***.... Finally passed the 60k mark though. I've got a couple thousand in my mailbox atm and probably another couple thousand in herbs that I'm way too lazy to sell.
I wish I wasn't working 50+ hours a week so I could have the time to get bored with a game. >.<


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Well.. I mean it's not like I sit there and play for 5 hours straight. I'll just log on and walk away from the computer. A lot of my play time lately has been afk time lol. I just log on out of habit and sit there, run around in circles, fly around buildings in a pattern (weird OCD's), then go back to sitting there. Usually a movie is playing on my 2nd monitor so I pay attention to that more.


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I haven't gotten gear in such a long time... My GM gave me Bracers of the Dark Pool like a week ago for helping her farm so many herbs. Other than that, it's probably been at least 2 or 3 months since I've gotten anything.

Mr. Jollypants

Mr. f**king Jollypants
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I'm level 116 Herb, and 463 Mining. I need to get that herb up fast.


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Is this your first toon?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


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It's never too late. There's just more you have to learn and get past.

And you missed all the best stuff (original WoW and Burning Crusade). Cataclysm is pretty good, Wrath of the Litch King was a joke...everything was super easy.
