Official WoW (world of warcraft) thread

Mr. Jollypants

Mr. f**king Jollypants
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There have been trial accounts available for years.

Nice. Mining and Herbing were good choices to start off with.
I've kept with Mining, but I've had the following as other Profs: Eng, Skinning, Alchemy and now Herbing. I've gotten all to about ~150, then switched :lol:


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Haha. Well you'll need herbing to do alchemy (unless you're rich and feel like spending gold for every herb to level it). You need mining for blacksmithing and I think engineering. Gathering professions are a necessity if you eventually want to do other professions on later toons you may make. Unless, like I said, you feel like buying all your mats.


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Finally sold my 52 stacks of Azshara's Veil and 36 stacks of Whiptail on top of other stuff tonight...made 14k so far. Woot. I love selling in bulk. SO much easier than AH.


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I personally buy all my mats -

It's a pain in the ass leveling the profession, but once it's leveled, and you have two crafting professions, you'll make bank for very little work. It's just painful paying the thousands to level the profession in the first place. I've done all the gathering professions, and I just don't want to put the work in to gather the herbs/ores/skin. If you like gathering (like John), then go for a gathering profession. If you'd rather spend your time doing other things, suck it up.. pay the initial gold to level the profession, and you'll be happy later. Whatever you do, you need to stick with it. Expect not to make a dime until you get close to 500 skill.

Mr. Jollypants

Mr. f**king Jollypants
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I keep switching because I got stuck at a certain level. I was stuck at 136 in Eng for a few weeks, just couldn't level it, never had the resources to level it, and being at a low level, I didn't have the funds to support leveling it. Same with Alchemy.


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I personally buy all my mats -

It's a pain in the ass leveling the profession, but once it's leveled, and you have two crafting professions, you'll make bank for very little work. It's just painful paying the thousands to level the profession in the first place. I've done all the gathering professions, and I just don't want to put the work in to gather the herbs/ores/skin. If you like gathering (like John), then go for a gathering profession. If you'd rather spend your time doing other things, suck it up.. pay the initial gold to level the profession, and you'll be happy later. Whatever you do, you need to stick with it. Expect not to make a dime until you get close to 500 skill.

I keep switching because I got stuck at a certain level. I was stuck at 136 in Eng for a few weeks, just couldn't level it, never had the resources to level it, and being at a low level, I didn't have the funds to support leveling it. Same with Alchemy.
Yup. That'll happen when you're 1. poor and/or 2. Don't have a gathering profession. If you were on my server I would hook you up with gold ;). But you ain't!

It just occured to me... I should sell "Alchemy leveling packages" for gold. I searched "Alchemy leveling guide" on google and and gathered all the herbs when I made my alchemist. But then again, I'm thinking I may get suspended or possibly banned for that...


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^^Yea, you need to have an extra account if you plan on doing that. Also, I've actually been thinking of the perfect way to carry something like this out.

Start up a guild, pay the people to get there signatures, then get rid of everyone. Put the items you want to sell into the guild bank - invite the person who bought them into the guild, and let them take it out of the bank. I THINK this would be sufficiently hidden from Blizzard. I think they mainly watch mail transfers and person to person trades. Alternatively, you could do person to person trades, and always make sure they give you something in return. Regardless, don't ever use the mail system. They'll ban you in a second.

Jason - no reason to keep moving to different professions. You won't be able to max any of them out at a low level. Choose one you want to level, and stay with it, even if you can't advance at the moment. You're just wasting money by continuously starting over.


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Oh yea.. the reason I came in here.. .Blood seeker spawned last night (the level 15 bat who shares the spawn timer with Aeonaxx). In other words, I've probably got yet another week or two before Aeonaxx spawns again.


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^^Yea, you need to have an extra account if you plan on doing that. Also, I've actually been thinking of the perfect way to carry something like this out.

Start up a guild, pay the people to get there signatures, then get rid of everyone. Put the items you want to sell into the guild bank - invite the person who bought them into the guild, and let them take it out of the bank. I THINK this would be sufficiently hidden from Blizzard. I think they mainly watch mail transfers and person to person trades. Alternatively, you could do person to person trades, and always make sure they give you something in return. Regardless, don't ever use the mail system. They'll ban you in a second.

Jason - no reason to keep moving to different professions. You won't be able to max any of them out at a low level. Choose one you want to level, and stay with it, even if you can't advance at the moment. You're just wasting money by continuously starting over.
Hmmm good point. Don't they also keep a close eye on chat? I mean if you say "5000g for my alchemy leveling package" I feel like that would get flagged somehow... Or is it just person to person trades and mail transfers.


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Oh yea.. the reason I came in here.. .Blood seeker spawned last night (the level 15 bat who shares the spawn timer with Aeonaxx). In other words, I've probably got yet another week or two before Aeonaxx spawns again.
That REALLY sucks lol. Don't miss it again :lol: :rolf: :rolf:.


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Hmmm good point. Don't they also keep a close eye on chat? I mean if you say "5000g for my alchemy leveling package" I feel like that would get flagged somehow... Or is it just person to person trades and mail transfers.
Gold for in game items isn't against the rules....

saying "10 bucks for alchemy leveling package" is what you have to worry about.

But yes, you probably would have to advertise in chat.. and the account probably will get banned. There is risk inherent in running a business, and this is no different. You'll have to take the risk that the money you make will be more than the cost of the accounts that get banned. While you're at it, you should probably get a dynamic IP so they can't IP ban you.


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Wait a tick... I wouldn't sell for money. I'd sell for in-game gold.


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In that case, you have nothing to worry about.. Blizzard won't be banning you for selling in game items for in game currency. :lol:


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In that case, you have nothing to worry about.. Blizzard won't be banning you for selling in game items for in game currency. :lol:
So I was herbing last night for all the low level herbs..... And I was like 3 hours in, and said f*** this. You need like 40 goldthorn according to the alchemy guide I use and that s*** has a s***ty node spawning rate. I spent an hour on goldthorn alone. None were in AH and no one in trade or my guild had any. After I got all the goldthorn I needed, I was so pissed, I bought the rest of my herbs to get to 450 :lol:. Now I'm finally to cata herbs so I'll just farm those tonight and should be at 525 by the time I go to bed.

Then it's back to farming more herbs, making flasks (and hopefully proc'ing), and gold farming! I spent a good 6k last night, not just on herbs. I need to make some back.

I just signed up. Downloading the game right now. Ill try it out and see how it is.
Free 10 day trial? Unfortunately, no one can trade with you until you upgrade to a full account. Otherwise I would offer to give you gold to help out.

WoW is sort of boring to play alone. Especially if you're first starting out. It's much more fun to play with a group of people or at least a friend or something. I originally tried WoW like 5 years ago and I didn't like it at all because I started out alone. I didn't know what to do, where to go or how to do anything. It made it worse because I had no one to ask questions.


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Free 10 day trial? Unfortunately, no one can trade with you until you upgrade to a full account. Otherwise I would offer to give you gold to help out.
I can play until level 20 for free. I'm at lvl 4 right now. I think I picked a troll hunter because I wasn't sure what to be...might switch though.

Downloading the 10.1 gb game file took a good 2 hours lol
