Oil Leak?


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I've got a pretty bad oil leak in my civic and I'm trying to track it down.

In this picture, the oil leak starts where the circle is. that's as far as I can trace it with everything that's on there. Under the distributor. I've heard people tell me that it could be the distributor seal or O-ring, The oil then runs down the tranny as the poorly drawn squiggly line shows, and then lands on my exhaust manifold but not before leaving a layer of oil all down the side of my tranny. yay. -.- but I'm wondering if anyone has any other ideas of where it could be coming from. Thanks in advance


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I had the exact same problem with mine.. Distributor seal/ o-ring fixed it for me. The seal was all squared out and flat lol


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If it's not the o-ring try the gasket on the valve cover for the spark plug holes? I'm not sure if that could be it. But it's cheap.


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Yep most likely that o-ring
Nice radiator fluid reservoir line =)


I had a Civic once.
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Had the same issue, it was the vc gasket not seated right. If you haven't f**ked around with taking the vc off though, it sounds like the dizzy oring.


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So I can't check the o-ring on the distributor without setting the ignition timing again. And I can't check the valve cover without just replacing the valve cover. I don't know how to set the ignition timing :/


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just use a screw driver or something and make a etch a line across the distributor and the...thing that holds the distributor on top..and when reinstalling just make sure to align the two..the o-ring is very cheap..and the valve cover gasket is always good to change as well..


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Found the oil leak! It was none of these. I never checked any of them, but I blew a radiator hose last night and when replacing it I found the oil leak. I'm not sure what this is called so I need someone's help.

I THINK it's the oil sending unit. Not 100% sure on that, but I know this is where the oil leak is coming from. Steady drip. But it looks like a simple ring or seal that should be easy to replace. Any info is MUCH appreciated.


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your vtec solenoid? replace the filter gasket inside..try that too


out on bail
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vtec solenoid? That sounds pretty cool. Vtec solenoid. Well hell yeah, I'll look into that. preciate it


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OH! and if I needed to ask for this seal/ring/plug at autozone what would I ask for? Vtec solenoid gasket?


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they probably won't have it. I just replaced mine and only honda has them
alright well I got a stealership right down the road so that's not so bad. I'm not sure if I need to replace just the body o-ring, or the inner 3-ring seal with the filter.


^^ that's the part number for the inner filter


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alright well I got a stealership right down the road so that's not so bad. I'm not sure if I need to replace just the body o-ring, or the inner 3-ring seal with the filter.


^^ that's the part number for the inner filter
I can't see your solenoid in the pic . is it on the side by dis or back of block ?

and best way to tell if it's leaking . this is what I did .
just run your car and leave it running . observe where the oil comes from

make sure to brake clean it first to pin point the main leak .

mine was leaking from the seal on the block and the seal that's in the top just below the solenoid .

and make sure you know what the seal looks like before buying it . there are so many different ones . some have a screen coming out some have it going in . some are 4 ports some three .


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Autozone will not have it, I replaced mine on my 98 and got it from the dealership. There were 2 sizes so I took mine apart and took it with me because the dealership could not tell me which one I had and said this was the only way. It was like $20 and only took 10-15 mins and it was fixed!
It is called the vtec solenoid gasket.
Good luck!


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I got the upper vtec solenoid gasket hoping that would be it, and the old gasket was blown out at one part, but it didn't fix the oil leak entirely. I think the lower gasket is bad too, where it bolts onto the head. I'll find out soon though, already ordered the part, waiting for it to come in.
