steve jobs dead

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Apple said the steve jobs haas dies and now it really is sad for the future of apple


100% real juice
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Yup Everyone thin about skipping this iPhone and waiting for a 5 might wanna reconsider, who knows how it'll turn out without Jobs

got traction

i rock the sohc
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RIP. A true pioneer in the smart phone industry.

Mr. Jollypants

Mr. f**king Jollypants
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We didn't lose anyone important. Everyone go on about your way.

I thought I heard, Apple announcing the iPhone 4S instead of the 5, killed him on the inside.


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Those that say negative things about Steve are trash.


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fanboys, smh, its sad and all, but im not gonna lose any sleep over it

Mr. Jollypants

Mr. f**king Jollypants
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Those that say negative things about Steve are trash.

You know what's sad? Steve Jobs will get headline news for a few days about dying, but yet the men and women overseas who have died and ARE dying, don't get a single second of news time unless it's a group. Not even the men and women who died in previous wars get news time.


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Don't worry people, your phones aren't going to stop working all of the sudden. It's not like he was head of R&D or product design... he was head of show and tell. Don't abandon apple as a company for fear that your f***ing iPad is going to be made of cardboard now that Mr Jobs isn't inspecting every single one off of the assembly line. It's been a great company with solid products for a long time, and not because of any one person.


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You know what's sad? Steve Jobs will get headline news for a few days about dying, but yet the men and women overseas who have died and ARE dying, don't get a single second of news time unless it's a group. Not even the men and women who died in previous wars get news time.

Honestly, WGAF if the man was an "innovator". He gave us a cool technology, THAT'S IT.


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greg is crying right now, hugging his iphone, his ipad, his ipod and mac book.


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It is sad to see anyone die. Anyone that has passed away deserves the respect of those that are still alive. Especially men and women that fight for good. Whether it be on a battlefield or in a board room.


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^^Agreed. To cast aside the death of any innocent man is a crime. Steve Jobs was an innovator who helped change the face of the world we live in and died at a very young age due to a rare disease. It makes it a little more personal than a total stranger dying, because he had touched my life in some way, but even if he was a total stranger, you shouldn't cast aside his death as if it is meaningless.

As for denying any respect to Steve Jobs's death because individuals overseas aren't getting any news time... that's a shameful thing to do in and of itself. You think Steve told the news to not report on the death of soldiers, or had his hand in the matter in any way? Highly improbable. Let's go ahead and disrespect a man because a corrupt organization isn't doing what pleases us. That makes sense.


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yo! This thread is about to jump onto the next level... into some psychological/sociological/ethical s**t! I love it.



Those in this thread who put down one of the great technological leaders of our time are small-minded jealous losers who are destined to grow old in pathetic ignorance and who will accomplish during their lifetime not even a fraction of an iota of what Steve Jobs accomplished when he took the last breath of his great life.


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Those in this thread who put down one of the great technological leaders of our time are small-minded jealous losers who are destined to grow old in pathetic ignorance and who will accomplish during their lifetime not even a fraction of an iota of what Steve Jobs accomplished when he took the last breath of his great life.
Taking it a little too serious bro. :cry:
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