B18B1 92 Civic


Registered VIP
so it dies while driving or while at idle

have you checked s**t like compression and timing, fuel or spark?


New Member
sounds like broke valve man but like they said a simple compression test will tell you i acualy just replaced one in my older bros 93 civic


New Member
By the ecu there is 2 clips that are plugged in to a green fake plug in. You need to find the one with 2 wires the other one has 3 you don't want to mess with that one. Take the plug with 2 wires and wile your car is off put a paper clip in to the plug connecting the 2 wires together then turn your key to the on position and your engine light will flash a long flash equals 10 a quick one equals 1 count them and then google it for example ( code 21 on obd1 Honda civic) if your engine light stays on then you have no codes. Thake the paper clip out before you start your car I hope this helps
