false, its a so-so dayTrue. Screw you for making me hungry AGAIN.....
TPBM is excited about today.
And Anf - it's because Asian's rule .
P.S. only had 3 pieces of bacon so dont feel bad
TPBM is not going to the gym today
false, its a so-so dayTrue. Screw you for making me hungry AGAIN.....
TPBM is excited about today.
And Anf - it's because Asian's rule .
False but anything music wise involving obama makes me think of this,TRUE!!!!! Lol....
TPBM Saw Obama sing yesterday lol....
False but anything music wise involving obama makes me think of this,
TPBM Is against Obama for 2012
why cant you man? its the good lifenope, i dont really fallow foot ball, or any pro sport for that matter, (other then motor sports)
TPBM, wishes that they could light up a fat blunt and play COD
f*** yeah its pretty intense out side lol, but im in no condition to do anyhting if i see onetrue
TPBM is watching out like a hawk for tornados
why cant you man? its the good life .
ahh I see, respect to you for respecting the situationcause all i have around right now is a Wii, plus im living at my dads sense i just started school (ASE cert classes) and him and my step mom are anti pot, plus my 12 y/o little sis is in the same house,
but once i get my apartment in a few months you best believe thats going to be my weekend ritual.
Incorrect. I have not.why cant you man? its the good life
f*** yeah its pretty intense out side lol, but im in no condition to do anyhting if i see one
TPBM has seen a tornado today/tonight.
True haha only because of my english lecture today lol, it was over revising poetry I s**t you notFalse, hate the stuff. I know, I know... I'm not cool because I don't like sushi!
TPBM wants to read the poem I just posted up in the "What are you doing / did you do today?" thread. I know it sounds gay, but it's actually pretty good, for a poem... I think.