RonJ request for OGs Genuine Rolla, hooked_on4, NOFX, shiznit, TonyM, handlebars


Love how Mr. RonJ is ok with hj's but not fish sticks :roll:
Oh Mr. Jezer, I'm no moderator here trying to keep things in order. I'm just a member trying to stir up as much friendly damn trouble as humanly possibly.


OG スバリスト
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i'd think CC would be likely easier to mod than HT... your thoughts ron?


i'd think CC would be likely easier to mod than HT... your thoughts ron?
I only occasionally post in the non-technical forums of H-T, as my primary interest lies more in the advanced technical questions that are found in technical forums there. I love technical mysteries and enjoy helping people solve them. The forum I moderate at H-T is strictly technical. Anything falling outside that realm is either moved to a more appropriate location or gets closed. I find my moderator responsibilities easy and straightforward because I have taken the time to define a logical set of rules that the vast majority of members have learned to respect. I don't get much trouble at all from members. In fact, most are complimentary of the technical help that they receive.

I'm here at CC not only to help in tech forums but also just to screw around in the Off Topic forums. I think moderating at CC may be more challenging because most moderators must work both sides, Off Topic and Technical. CC's strength is clearly the Off Topic side and CC moderators are well matched for this. CC could be further strengthened, however, by doing a better job at attracting and keeping members with technical knowledge. Nonetheless, I really like CC and have seen some excellent changes made recently. CC is also quite innovative for a Civic site and Jay Jay is rare among site administrators in making changes extremely quickly when he thinks it may be an improvement. CC is now a site where if members make a reasonable request, it will be given very serious consideration. I also give credit to Joey for being exceptionally in touch and responsive to the CC membership. I see good things happening at CC as long as Joey is a moderator.


Frame Bangin
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thanks for letting us know that Joe is the only useful one here =(


thanks for letting us know that Joe is the only useful one here =(
No offense intended. Joey is the most senior moderator and I know him best through many discussions.

Well stop acting like one smh lol
And I also pissed off Jezus. I've now become the thread bad dog. Joey please give me an infraction or at least quarantine me in the CC dog house.


Frame Bangin
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No offense intended. Joey is the most senior moderator and I know him best through many discussions.
non taken. was joking around lol

and thats very true, im still a new mod. only been at it a year and 3 days lol


OG スバリスト
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I only occasionally post in the non-technical forums of H-T, as my primary interest lies more in the advanced technical questions that are found in technical forums there. I love technical mysteries and enjoy helping people solve them. The forum I moderate at H-T is strictly technical. Anything falling outside that realm is either moved to a more appropriate location or gets closed. I find my moderator responsibilities easy and straightforward because I have taken the time to define a logical set of rules that the vast majority of members have learned to respect. I don't get much trouble at all from members. In fact, most are complimentary of the technical help that they receive.

I'm here at CC not only to help in tech forums but also just to screw around in the Off Topic forums. I think moderating at CC may be more challenging because most moderators must work both sides, Off Topic and Technical. CC's strength is clearly the Off Topic side and CC moderators are well matched for this. CC could be further strengthened, however, by doing a better job at attracting and keeping members with technical knowledge. Nonetheless, I really like CC and have seen some excellent changes made recently. CC is also quite innovative for a Civic site and Jay Jay is rare among site administrators in making changes extremely quickly when he thinks it may be an improvement. CC is now a site where if members make a reasonable request, it will be given very serious consideration. I also give credit to Joey for being exceptionally in touch and responsive to the CC membership. I see good things happening at CC as long as Joey is a moderator.
thanks for the insight. i had always wondered how things were on the management end of the other side. HT has always been a really good resource when it comes to technical information, but i find it a bit lacking when it comes to a sense of community and tolerance, though i believe it may be mostly out of frustration. i feel people here are, for the most part, more respectful and everyone knows it's all in jest otherwise. it's really quite heartwarming that even with the wealth of knowledge over there that you still enjoy coming to us here and can see the strong points. Justin has been an amazing admin throughout the years, always with an open ear and quick to make things happen. A stagnant site is perilous, and as a web designer i think he understands that and takes it to heart...

i've had no qualms when it comes to the mod team. then again, i may be a bit biased, having being a smod myself and helped shaped the policies for the site, as well as having known them all for several years. i do agree that if the technical section were further expanded it'd bring in a lot more traffic. however, we also have to be mindful of what kind of traffic comes in, as not many share our family mentality and are quick to act either self-centered, extremely immaturely, or with an entitled attitude. as we all know, that just doesn't jive in these parts.

clearly we're fortunate to have you around and i, for one, am very glad of that. i'm really liking the take on DIYs that the current CC staff have taken and feel it will really help ramp up the tech sections.... i also feel this site is way easier to navigate than HT and much more visually appealing, which may be a factor in minimizing member frustration.


i do agree that if the technical section were further expanded it'd bring in a lot more traffic. however, we also have to be mindful of what kind of traffic comes in, as not many share our family mentality and are quick to act either self-centered, extremely immaturely, or with an entitled attitude.
This is also a problem on pure technical forums at H-T. There's a delicate balance keeping active OG members and new members in a happy co-existence. On one hand you don't want to allow active OG members to scare away new members who may represent the future of the forum and on the other hand you don't want to allow inane new members to frustrate and aggravate active OG members. If handled properly, both can be happy.


OG スバリスト
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This is also a problem on pure technical forums at H-T. There's a delicate balance keeping active OG members and new members in a happy co-existence. On one hand you don't want to allow active OG members to scare away new members who may represent the future of the forum and on the other hand you don't want to allow inane new members to frustrate and aggravate active OG members. If handled properly, both can be happy.
it all comes down to tact. and the art of diplomacy


#1 a*****e
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this thread has gotten awfully serious...

needs some random Giffing

