Yeah man, I agree. Don't know whatever happened to that group it just disappeared off my phone when I upgraded even though I had backed everything uphaha oh wow! what an exchange! man i miss our old bbm crew.
Daaaamn, I love the s2. I really want one actually. The ONLY thing seriously stopping me from getting one is the absence of an actual keyboard. Not a big fan of the touch screen keyboard. That's why i love my bold 9790 so much. keyboard and touch screen!i'm not sure... after my 9700 fell in the toilet i had to use a prepaid nokia for a while. once upgrade time came i ended up getting a samsung galaxy s2... i miss chatting with ya bro. i installed liveprofile on my phone to talk to my parents since they both have blackberries. it works just like BBM, but it's multiplatform.
That's good to hear. I wanna play around with the Galaxy nexus toodamn that new bold is super sexy. i really do miss having a physical keyboard. it makes using my phone while driving a lot harder. i've been relying a lot more on voice recognition while in the car, and most text input is super f'n hard to do while driving. with a physical keyboard it's so easy to just feel out the keys and type blindly.
the phone is great though and i'm really liking it. it's never lagged on me and always snappy to respond. the speaker is nice, about as loud as my 9700 when using the speakerphone and the mic picks me up clearly even when i have the phone sitting in the center console. no regrets, but it sure took me a bit to get used to touchscreen everything.
I still don't get itaw, nobody got my initial d reference? a sad day indeed.
Can she corner without spilling it?? I havent watched Initial D in FOREVER@!i think my wife may have gotten a 2nd job delivering tofu. i got in my car this morning and this is what i saw:
read the manga or watch the anime. you'll understand.I still don't get it
it's been about a decade since i've watched the first three stages. gonna have to fish out my old collection now...Can she corner without spilling it?? I havent watched Initial D in FOREVER@!
hopefully it's the original release and not the tokyopop crap with cut scenes, renamed characters, and shitty music.anf its streaming on netflix,
in the words of my friend derka... "you can read can't you?!"not sure i dont speak japaneese so its all the same to me lol
I got it Anfreyaw, nobody got my initial d reference? a sad day indeed.