Heater Issue/E-brake light on?!


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First of all, I got the car it runs fine has like 231xxx on this beast.
Now, when I got it the only "wrong" with it was the heater didn't work, it's not that it doesnt work so much my fan doesn't blow at all, I don't get A/C or Heater they said they thought it was a the Heater Relay.

My buddy said there's something under the glovebox or behind it actually that I should check, along with the fuse.
Anyone got an Idea on this?

Now, sometimes my E-Brake light comes on for no reason, like randomly and will stay on for a bit then shut off without my e-brake being pulled and my brakes don't start draggin, so I'm confused by this as well....

Any help would be great :D


What car (year/trim) do you have? Is it stock?

For the blower, start by checking the blower fuses under the hood and dash. I'd tell you which ones, but I don't know what car you have.

The brake light is probably coming on because the brake fluid is low due to worn brake pads.


New Member
It's an all stock 1990 sedan LX

So the fuses won't be hard to check, would me needing a CV (which I do at this time) cause the brake light to come on.

My friend has a '90 5-speed hatch when his clutch was goin his light came on till we repaired it then it went away so I have the crazy idea tranny difficulties may be the cause.
That being said my brakes have some meat on em and the pedal isn't mushy that's why I brought up that other idea =)

Thanks for the help, I gotta go dig out my 30 amp's from the tool box I bought some when it was cold to fix the heater but got lazy.


would me needing a CV (which I do at this time) cause the brake light to come on.
?? Please translate.

That being said my brakes have some meat on em and the pedal isn't mushy that's why I brought up that other idea =)
Is the fluid in the master cylinder reservoir low? Have you checked?

Heater: Check 30A dash fuse 19.


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Yea man, do check the brake fuild like Ron is saying. On my Civic the light turns on when the fuild is low, i use to think something else was wrong when i would see the light on and the brake lever down.


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?? Please translate.

Is the fluid in the master cylinder reservoir low? Have you checked?

Heater: Check 30A dash fuse 19.
My driver side CV axle is clicking and I need to replace it, I bring it up due to the "clutch" scenario I brought up.
I will check my master cylinder on your advice since I haven't owned a 4th gen long, even though I have my reservations about it a solution is a solution.

But as for the heater, it would most likely be either the fuse or the blower motor?
I mean those are a "higher chance" than say the heater core?

Dumb questions I'm sure, I can turn a wrench but diagnosing a problem is often my downfall T_T


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Just keep calm and do not lose your Patience when diagnosing. Star off with an outline or a plan of some sort because what makes it seem hard some times, is that you do not know where to begin.
