car wont start


New Member
5+ Year Member
so i have changed the ecu and main relay, distributor cap and rotor and the car turns over but wont start but there isnt any spark im not sure what else it could be, i dont hear the fuel pump turn on.

im not sure any help would be grealty appreciated thanks


New Member
Registered VIP
Ok. Fuel, air, spark, timing. First start basic, Take the intake off spray starter fluid in the throttle body. Next try a second set of wires, Don't have any? Put a screw driver in one of the wires and lay it across a near ground, check for spark. Next pull the plugs, clean them off try to start. Still no? Pull the valve cover and timing cover, make sure you didn't jump a tooth. Then move further into fuel, pull the plugs put a tiny bit of gas into the cylinder, plugs back in and try to start. PM me for more help


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5+ Year Member
i did put a screw driver in the plug and layed it across the ground and there wasnt any spark i was thinking that maybe it could be a ignition switch but not sure


New Member
Registered VIP
Ok so the problem is ignition, Lucky. Have you tried different wires? Check the rotor and dizzy again, then the ignition switch


New Member
5+ Year Member
the wires are less than 2 months old and the only other thing i could think of was the ingition


New Member
5+ Year Member
Got new wires and still no start I checked the power to the main relay there is constant power but there is no power to the relay for ignition on


I checked all fuses they are all good
I hear this^ all the time from people who have blown fuses.

The main relay gets voltage from the ignition switch via 15A dash fuse 24. Turn the key to ON(II) and check whether installed fuse 24 has battery voltage to body ground on BOTH top test tabs (click the Fuses link in my signature).

