New Feature: Unanswered Topics


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If you take a look at the right side of your screen, you'll notice a new box called "Unanswered Topics".

In our continued efforts to improve the tech sections of ClubCivic, we have implemented this feature to show the tech threads that need the most help. The threads listed in this box are sorted by most recently created, and have not yet had a response. Once responded to, they will be removed from the list (give it a few minutes to update). You can also click the "ALL" button to be taken to a page which lists all of the unanswered threads.

We hope this will serve a few purposes:
1) Get tech threads answered quicker
2) Allow users to quickly scan the most recently created tech threads in all sections to see if their knowledge matches the need for help.
3) Encourage members to make informative post titles, so that they can get their questions answered quicker by achieving the previously listed purpose.
4) Give those people who are looking for a way to up their post count, a way to do it legitimately - through helping others.

Currently there is one bug. Not all of the posts displayed are tech related. We're working to find a fix for this, but it shouldn't be too much of a problem in the meantime. Off-topic posts are usually responded too fairly quickly, so they won't stay in the list for long.

Anyway, we hope you find this to be a useful feature!
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out on bail
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I like it :D

I love all the recent improvements.

Edit: I'm sure tech junkies like RonJ will really appreciate this update.


Kudos on another creative idea.

Question: How does this new feature "Encourage members to make informative post titles"?


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Kudos on another creative idea.

Question: How does this new feature "Encourage members to make informative post titles"?
Because if you're knowledgeable about homemade turbo kits and you look to the right at the unanswered topics, and see something named "Please help", and something else named "Which turbocharger should I use?", which are you most likely to visit?

If members want to benefit from the unanswered topics box, they'll need to use good titles.


Because if you're knowledgeable about homemade turbo kits and you look to the right at the unanswered topics, and see something named "Please help", and something else named "Which turbocharger should I use?", which are you most likely to visit?

If members want to benefit from the unanswered topics box, they'll need to use good titles.
This would require new members to think...not sure there will be any progress if you know what I mean.

I think moderators need to engage in a campaign of thread title education - e.g., post in tech threads with a "bad' title to inform the new member that the title will slow or stall answers from coming. Such messages from staff will not only educate that new member but also any new members who read the thread. With a sustained effort, the word will begin to spread like wildfire.


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^^Maybe so, but don't forget that you're equally as powerful as a moderator on that front. All help is appreciated ;)


^^Maybe so, but don't forget that you're equally as powerful as a moderator on that front. All help is appreciated ;)
I agree. And if you follow any of my tech posts, you'll see that I frequently make the point. Unfortunately, the CC staff don't participate, seemingly at all, so I'm alone in this endeavor. That's the problem.;)

There would be much more impact if the staff were to understand and to participate in making this important change to the tech sections.


I want to help answer the question in the thread currently at the top of the list, but for some reason it has vanished. :(



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We've been very busy, Ron. We've made many changes in the past several months, more than this site has ever seen. Each of us also has a real life that consumes time. There's only so much we can do at once. If you deny that we're making a strong effort to make this site great, then I respectfully disagree with you, as we have planned, enacted, and accomplished so much in recent times.

Remember, none of us get paid for what we do, we each put in several hours per week doing moderator business, which we choose to do simply because we love ClubCivic and have been given the opportunity to help it grow. And, as you have experienced (as a former moderator), it's not always an easy job. I hope you will take all of this into consideration before you consider to once again imply that we're not doing enough.


We've made many changes in the past several months, more than this site has ever seen. If you deny that we're making a strong effort to make this site great, then I respectfully disagree with you, as we have planned, enacted, and accomplished so much in recent times.
What's to deny? I think you know that none of this^ has escaped me. I have happily and openly acknowledged the many recent accomplishments. None of my efforts at pushing for further improvements on the tech side diminishes these excellent accomplishments.

I hope you will take all of this into consideration before you consider to once again imply that we're not doing enough.
Please do not take my comments negatively and personally. They are not meant to offend. I know that I'm a huge nag when it comes to the tech sections, but my intentions are not at all nefarious. I see where and how the weak technical side could be strengthened and I say so. Have you considered recruiting a couple of new moderators whose sole function would be to take care of these important tech section tasks? My guess is that there are multiple members who would love the opportunity to help out with such an effort.


Seems to work for me...

EDIT: It was made in a section that requires moderator approval... Moved and approved. You can now reply to it.
Based on the humorous title, I thought the thread was made by a troll and that one of you locked or deleted it.


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I will help with the bad titles, but I ask for immunity from infractions and banning when on said mission...:scurred:


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His disclaimer worries me. :lol:

Although he is a pro at reporting posts that need attention ;)

Sorry if I flew off the handle a bit, and took some things the wrong way. I'm very proud of our current staff, and I guess I can get a bit defensive.. lol
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His disclaimer worries me. :lol:

Although he is a pro at reporting posts that need attention ;)
I vote that you guys give Lethal a whirl as new tech moderator after setting some basic ground rules. Finding one more eager member would probably do the trick.

Sorry if I flew off the handle a bit, and took some things the wrong way. I'm very proud of our current staff, and I guess I can get a bit defensive.. lol
No apology necessary Joey. Your comments were perfectly reasonable.


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His disclaimer worries me. :lol:

Although he is a pro at reporting posts that need attention ;)
LoL. I have 10 years under my belt helping run a worldwide sportbike forum. The owner moved to the UK and hasn't been on much in the last 4 or so and has left it up to me and the mods that we brought on. You can easily imagine the kind of stuff I have had to deal with over the years. Each year it seems that the spammers and spam bots get more and more sneaky. So do the members...

I vote that you guys give Lethal a whirl as new tech moderator after setting some basic ground rules. Finding one more eager member would probably do the trick.
Ground rules! For me or them?!?
