Featured Del Sol


Mr. Search
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
10+ Year Member
Whose sweet Sol was featured in this VW ad? :lol:

VW takes another hit at modified Hondas' and they're spot on again!
Primer body kit, awesome graphics and green respray, guessing car was red at one time.
Notice she hits the curb and the flex of that sweet body kit and headlight poping out slightly!



Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
I lol'd. Good vid


New Member
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
hahaha! Saw this during the super bowl, pretty funny commercial. Those damn VWs....:lol:


Mr. Search
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
10+ Year Member
hahaha! Saw this during the super bowl, pretty funny commercial. Those damn VWs....:lol:
It's funny because there's some truth to it and funny to see a manufacturer pointing it out.
Leave it to VW to acknowledge ridiculous half done Honda hackjobs!:lol:


New Member
Registered VIP
never understood why they made that commercial, they just took one of the ugliest honda that they ever made and just made it look like s**t even though it came out of the factory already looking like s**t


Mr. Search
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
10+ Year Member
never understood why they made that commercial, they just took one of the ugliest honda that they ever made and just made it look like s***
That's kind of the point.
Why would VW want to advertise something good for another competitor?:smackself
