havin some issues


pissin on authority
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alright so my cars running kind of funny. Its starting to sound a little rough theres a whining noise coming from the area of the water pump and a slight tic in the head. When I take off the oil cap when it's running there's actually a bit of air pressure coming out of the valve cover. Would that be a valve seal? I've never torn a honda head apart so I'm not totally familiar with the inner workings. Also if I replace the timing belt and water pump what parts should I use for a mini me (d15b7/d16z6)? thanks in advance!


Sometimes the timing belt will whine if it's too tight.

Is the oil level low?

Has somebody disabled the PCV and breather hoses?


pissin on authority
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oil levels good and the timing whine is a new development. What would cause higher tension? The breather hose is properly connected to the intake from the VC. maybe I'm just being paranoid due to the sound coming from the water pump but should there be air blowing out of the calve cover?


Is the whining noise possibly coming from the alternator?

Blow by gas increases crankcase pressure, which is relieved by the PCV system. Is the PCV hose connected to the intake manifold?


pissin on authority
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Ill have to check on the PVC but I'm pretty sure its not the alternator. I felt it while reving the engine and it doesn't seem to have any excessive movement or vibration. It sounds like a bearing that's dry.
