Just sayin'

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Mr. Search
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Other then the stupid trends and fads, like "stickerbomobing" and "stance", one of the biggest things that turns me away from, dare I say, the "scene", are the ppl, flat out laziness, entitlement and stupidity.


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phew good thing im not a respected member on here..

i've just gotten to a point where i dont even bother to tell them to search anymore..if i know the answer i just say it to get it over with
x2 man, but you are a highly respected member IMO.

Some people take new members to the heart lol


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So we should have to constantly re-type the same things over and over again to people who refuse to read what is already available? Mods and admin (usually) do not get paid, it is a hobby. Don't expect people to give you info if you ask.

Also, if we are not helping when we say google, should we say nothing at all? O wait, who would b**** that no one is posting in the thread if no answers are given, yes, the noob OP. Then they will get pissy (usually) and b**** the forum out and not come back. I am have seen it numerous times.

But... you are still here, aren't you? Isn't it better to know that someone is taking the time to read your thread, and telling you that they know it is out there already and easily accessible through google, or would you rather have zero replies, making you think no one gives a s**t about you or your question(s)?


Avi, pull your socks up.
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Threads like these are when the trolls come out to playyyy.

Can we pleaseeee get a trollface smiley?


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Here are a couple simple rules to make everyone's life easier:

If you see somebody breaking a rule (ex. flaming a noob), and it bothers you - Report it with that little red exclamation point at the bottom of every post.

If you see a noob post a question that you don't like, or you feel was inspired by laziness - Leave the thread without responding.

It's that simple.. If you don't like it, don't participate. If you're annoyed by rule-breaking, report it so the mods can handle it. I don't think I've ever seen the OP of this thread report a post..


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This^ is a problem and the staff often fails to moderate this harmful behavior. The comments made by moderator JohnS in this thread underscore this attitude.
We each have our own belief and methods of how we go about handling our business. You do things your way, I do things my way. If there's an issue with something, it's usually discussed in the mod lounge, as you may know being a moderator in the past.

I usually allow SOME sort of trolling to happen. If you can't take a poke here or there, the internet isn't the place for you. A dumb joke or a spam post followed by a smiley is all in good fun. I'm a lot better than how I used to be but I still catch myself doing it.

Like Joe said, if you see something wrong, report it. Unfortunately, us mods don't look through every single thread and read every single post. You guys (regular members) are obviously the majority on this board. We need your help to identify problems. If you don't like it, don't post just to make a mod clean up the thread and annoy everyone. Honestly, no one cares how annoyed you are. It's just troll-tertainment (yup, I just made that up).


Mr. Search
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- So we should have to constantly re-type the same things over and over again to people who refuse to read what is already available?

- Also, if we are not helping when we say google, should we say nothing at all?

- Isn't it better to know that someone is taking the time to read your thread, and telling you that they know it is out there already and easily accessible through google, or would you rather have zero replies, making you think no one gives a s*** about you or your question(s)?
-If you choose.

-Apparently, yes.

-Guess not.

Ppl in the "scene" or hobby will continue to put up with lazy entitled morons who can figure out how to post, but can't figure out how to take it a step further, take 2 extra seconds to think of some key words and search.

Avant Uprising

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ugghhh its whatever i guess ill just keep my .02 to myself these ill never win 10 of them and 1 of me not logical to argue anymore just wish some will wise up and thinkfor themselves rather than expect someone else to do it for them


Mr. Search
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wish some will wise up and think for themselves rather than expect someone else to do it for them
Not gonna happen.
Stupid questions will be par for the course and it will continue to be tolerated and accepted.
It is what it is I suppose.


I usually allow SOME sort of trolling to happen. If you can't take a poke here or there, the internet isn't the place for you. A dumb joke or a spam post followed by a smiley is all in good fun. I'm a lot better than how I used to be but I still catch myself doing it.
^This is your problem. Given your comments in this thread, you've done nothing but encourage noob bashing in tech sections. Does this help the site? I think not. Part of your responsibility as a moderator is to protect members, especially new ones, from bashing and flaming by other members. Stop encouraging hurtful activity in tech sections. Delete such posts and reprimand members who instigate bashing.

Finally, and most important, the OP of this thread generously and honestly pointed out a real problem in tech forums. This guy is a hero not a villain. Read his words for comprehension. You and many others in this thread have done nothing but insult and attack him. Does such bad treatment of a member who is making constructive comments make any sense? Is this the accepted philosophy of CC? Until the staff changes this way of thinking, new members will continue to be chased away. It's time that CC addresses this problem proactively.


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This^ is a problem and the staff often fails to moderate this harmful behavior. The comments made by moderator JohnS in this thread underscore this attitude.

With this said, I also agree that new members don't take the time to search for answers before posting a new thread, despite features implemented by JayJay to reduce this problem. It's frustrating, but if a new member's thread annoys you, then just don't post in the thread.
I have to agree with you on some of this but not on all. Yes, we have put measures in place to try and prevent some of these redundant threads but the reality of it is that not everyone knows about these features or just plain doesn't take the time to use them and would like the information spoon fed to them. There isn't a way to my knowledge to curb the second. And like others have said, "If you don't like it, don't post."

The part I have to partially disagree on is the first part. As you know we moderate the site as a hobby. We do it in our spare time and have lives outside of here. Not all of us are able to get on the computer at work or have access to the site 24/7. Some things we do let slide as long as it is not a direct personal attack on the member. Yes, some flaming/bashing is going to take place in a "community" our size. Not everyone will get along. If we kept deleting things or handing out infractions left and right would people start leaving or be afraid to post fearing they may get one themselves? As mentioned by Joe, we can't catch everything so if you see something you don't like just use the report button at the bottom of each post.


The part I have to partially disagree on is the first part. As you know we moderate the site as a hobby. We do it in our spare time and have lives outside of here. Not all of us are able to get on the computer at work or have access to the site 24/7.
Not sure what your point is here. What you say is a given for nearly every forum on the internet. I'm not criticizing the staff for not being omnipresent. I'm criticizing the fact that flaming and bashing in tech sections is condoned here. This hurts the site. Take measure to stop this activity.

Yes, some flaming/bashing is going to take place in a "community" our size.
It's less important that this happens - which is normal in forums. The problem is that it seems to be either overlooked by staff or, in the case of this thread, even supported. CC staff should unite in minimizing this bad behavior.

If we kept deleting things or handing out infractions left and right would people start leaving or be afraid to post fearing they may get one themselves?
If you decide that members who flame are more important than new members, then this speaks volumes about CC staff philosophy. ANY member who flames should be first warned and, if the warning is ignored, then action should be taken. If you did this, you'd quickly see a change of tone in tech sections.


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^^It's not staff philosophy. Most mods, from what I can tell, have the same opinion about flaming - don't allow it. However, I've done some looking around today and I've noticed some threads around the site where flaming occurred, mods posted, and then didn't do anything about it. It was a bit disappointing, to be honest. I don't know what the deal is, but flaming is clearly against the rules.

Since my post earlier, I have already noticed an increase in reported posts. I've done my best to squash the flaming that was going on in those posts, excluding the posts in here that were not made very respectfully (I'm trying to take in everyone's opinion in this thread, regardless of how much I disagree). If you guys keep reporting, I'm going to keep ending the bashing. I've always had a very strong stance in opposition to bashing / flaming, and that has not changed. If I'm aware of it, I will stop it. I hope and believe the other mods will do the same. The biggest strength of CC is the sense of community, but that feeling can quickly be lost when the atmosphere changes to that of bashing, flaming, and fear of posting.


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IMO - telling someone to stop taking the internet seriously is not bashing. Telling someone to search is not bashing. Telling someone to use Google is not bashing. Like the saying goes, "give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime". There are certain lines I draw when it comes to helping someone and encouraging them to search. If the OP showed that they had at least some inclination to research on their own before posting, more than likely I will answer their question directly. But when someone comes on and their first post is, "whats the best swap?", I'm not going to answer their question directly. Instead, answer back with questions and point them in the right direction. Now telling someone they're retarded and needs to gtfo is another thing which I wouldn't approve of.

I agree, the noob bashing needs to stop. But for me, I'm not all about holding hands and babying and protecting every person that gets hurt over some words. If that's what I should be doing as a mod and enforcing, I'll gladly step down as a mod. But I will encourage people to be self-sufficient, independent, not rely on others, and learn to do things on your own.


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...I've done some looking around today and I've noticed some threads around the site where flaming occurred, mods posted, and then didn't do anything about it. It was a bit disappointing, to be honest.
Unfortunately, it happens a lot more than it should. I think there are a couple that seem to use it as a source of power and not a source of a helpful hand to the site. Some seem to forget that they are, weather they like it or not, a front line face of the website.

I see it as being a manager/supervisor type. Once you become one you are taken out of the norm and are no longer just a civilian site member. When members, especially newbies, see a mod flaming or not doing anything about the flaming they see it as being ok.

Another opinion is about the "stop it or else" posts by mods. Do something or GTFO. If you don't have the authority to do something about it in a given thread, then find someone who has the big boy stick for that section. When you have 2, 3, or more mods that come in and wave their rulers in the air, it does nothing but show you don't have the authority and are just fluffing your feathers.

Personally, I think the mods that are out of tune with what needs to be done or how it should be done, should take a look at how Joe does it. No homo, but he seems to know how to do the work and still keep the normal site member side of it. Anyone who thinks that this is not true should look over the april fools thread. How many mods can you point out that would have that kind of backing, had they been in the same situation? I'm just sayin'.


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Unfortunately, it happens a lot more than it should. I think there are a couple that seem to use it as a source of power and not a source of a helpful hand to the site. Some seem to forget that they are, weather they like it or not, a front line face of the website.
Care to share who they are? Either here or in a PM?


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OP, I'm tired of seeing rant threads like yours. A lot of us in the scene are tired of everything. We all were new at some point, but the difference between the OG's of any generation, and today's generation is simply


If I wanted to know how to do something, I was handed tools and was told to figure it out. So I got out my Haynes manual and started reading, b/c back then DIAL UP internet was just becoming widely available.

Hell, I'm STILL unsure about some things, and I STILL get out my Haynes manual, and read online first. Then I venture down to the garage and tackle it.
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Avi, pull your socks up.
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I randomly come on here now for yewz and Arrecks! <3 I needs some bewbies too!

OP, I'm tired of seeing rant threads like yours. A lot of us in the scene are tired of everything. We all were new at some point, but the difference between the OG's of any generation, and today's generation is simply


If I wanted to know how to do something, I was handed tools and was told to figure it out. So I got out my Haynes manual and started reading, b/c back then DIAL UP internet was just becoming widely available.

Hell, I'm STILL unsure about some things, and I STILL get out my Haynes manual, and read online first. Then I venture down to the garage and tackle it.
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