Just sayin'

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I have to disagree with you on that one, Kelly. We all like to think our generation isn't lazy, but if this forum is any indication, people have been repeatedly asking the same questions for as long as I've been here. It's not a new problem brought on by more recent noobs.


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I have to disagree with you on that one, Kelly. We all like to think our generation isn't lazy, but if this forum is any indication, people have been repeatedly asking the same questions for as long as I've been here. It's not a new problem brought on by more recent noobs.
Yeap. I know I asked the same questions. I still remember asking what kind of intake to get lol.

But IMHO, it doesn't matter if you're lazy or not. It depends on your own will and motivation to be able to do something on your own. To grow up learning that you eventually have to do just that, grow up. It seems like kids are babied these days. Given whatever they're want, are able to do whatever they want to do, and their parent's won't do a thing. They expect to be given something or to be treated like they are kings/queens and are offended when they're told to do it themselves or someone gives them a reality check.

Like I said before, I have no issue helping other people. But when you show no sign of a willingness to be taught so you can learn to do it (or whatever) on your own, then I will show I have no willingness to help you. Maybe guide you in the right direction but I'm not going to spoon feed you and hold your hand every step of the way.

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I have to disagree with you on that one, Kelly. We all like to think our generation isn't lazy, but if this forum is any indication, people have been repeatedly asking the same questions for as long as I've been here. It's not a new problem brought on by more recent noobs.
I have to disagree w/ you, respectfully of course. I've been on the forums/in the scenes for 10+ years; locally, nation-wide, and globally. People in general, especially now, are MUCH lazier.


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I definitely agree with Puma. I see this a lot with some of my co-workers that want the help and do not want to do the research. I do not mind providing feedback and help, but sometimes that is not enough for people. I cannot stand it for the most part.


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I haven't even seen this thread until now, don't know how I passed over it. But... Ron made a very valid point. I'm surprised that many members in here are flaming someone for providing constructive criticism. Whether you agree with it or not, the least everyone can do is provide a valid and civil conversation about the issue. I've only seen a small handful of people provide that.

That being said, I'm going to clean the garbage out of this thread that's unrelated to the topic.

I'd also like to ask everyone to consider something. How will the community progress and grow if everybody searched for everything. If that's the case, let's shut down the site and archive all the threads, because open conversations are CLEARLY not needed because everything has been covered. Let's get real here. Being a bunch of a**holes to new members is the only thing not helping. If you want to tell someone to search, do it in a constructive way. At the very least, point them to the right section, and provide them with some key words that they can use to find what they need. If you can't do that, then YOU are the one killing this site and the "scene".


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Last warning guys. Keep the unrelated discussions to PM's or in a related thread, or infractions will be handed out.


captin sleep0
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Last warning guys. Keep the unrelated discussions to PM's or in a related thread, or infractions will be handed out.
last or first warning? serious question here. i did not know you could get an infraction for this. news to me. ps why is this thread still open? all the other ones get closed real quick/op has not returned to participate in the bashing... why are people allowed to bash on staff like this in the off topic area, shouldnt this be in the site suggestions forum?

op these threads only split the staff and members, ending in people getting feelings hurt and others being infracted and banned.


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lol vic wtf are you talking about? everyone has just been talking about this s**t on topic,


#1 a*****e
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most of the older people are just blunt. they say what they think just like new members ask whatever they want.

this is off topic anyways. this is were all the assholes hang out. making a thread like this isn't a good way to make people like u.

fag. =)

Off Topic>Just sayin'
vic wtf is the topic of this? he;s just saying and we;re just replying. dont be a nazi mod


Come at me bro.
I can't say much that hasn't been said but hey I'm fairly new as well, sure i've had some dumb questions but i also don't take the flaming or any of that to heart because most of the time saying "google" is the truth because its a simple search. I guess what I'm trying to say is nobody will make it far in life if they can't handle someone criticizing them, you can't cry just because you were to lazy to search something.


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my thoughts too, its f**king off topic, get your panties out of a wad


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last or first warning? serious question here. i did not know you could get an infraction for this. news to me. ps why is this thread still open? all the other ones get closed real quick/op has not returned to participate in the bashing... why are people allowed to bash on staff like this in the off topic area, shouldnt this be in the site suggestions forum?

op these threads only split the staff and members, ending in people getting feelings hurt and others being infracted and banned.
First AND last warning. Improper phrase on my part. Regardless, it's still the last warning.
lol vic wtf are you talking about? everyone has just been talking about this s*** on topic,
No they haven't, I had to delete 20+ posts that were completely irrelevant to the thread. Some were even from you. Don't play stupid, or are you not playing?


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Off topic is the forum area.

It does not mean that the thread does not have a topic.

Off topic refers to the thread not having anything to do with a Honda Civic.


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Off topic is the forum area.

It does not mean that the thread does not have a topic.

Off topic refers to the thread not having anything to do with a Honda Civic.
Thank you, I'm relieved that SOMEBODY understands the concept.


captin sleep0
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can you please answer the rest of my post victor?


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last or first warning? serious question here. i did not know you could get an infraction for this. news to me. ps why is this thread still open? all the other ones get closed real quick/op has not returned to participate in the bashing... why are people allowed to bash on staff like this in the off topic area, shouldnt this be in the site suggestions forum?

op these threads only split the staff and members, ending in people getting feelings hurt and others being infracted and banned.
We've traditionally held members responsible for staying on topic. Granted, we normally don't enforce that as much in OT, however since this is a serious discussion it's going to be enforced. Also, I've never issued an infraction for someone bashing a mod. It happens often...but I understand that us staff members are enforcing a position on the site, and that's normally what members are attacking. I, along with many other staff members, have taken quite a bit of heat that would normally not be tolerated if given to a regular member. And I'm leaving it here because it's going to get much more attention. If members have a serious concern, I don't want the topic to be missed.


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also "I'm just telling the truth" or "I'm just being honest" or "I'm just more straightforward/blunt" Is not an excuse for flaming or generally being unhelpful. If you don't want to help your fellow forum members, don't respond. If you respond anyway, prepare to have your post deleted, or to receive an infraction. That's all there is to it.


captin sleep0
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then this topic has a resolution and therefore should be closed, correct? someone asked a question(i believe, i lost track through all the boobie requests) and the people who are in a position of authority answered for him. it is cut and dry. it seems like you need to be more harsh with flaming, if it as detrimental to the site as you say it is, then squash it with infractions. it is THAT simple.


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^^Unfortunately, there's a gray area between flaming, and disagreeing, that the staff constantly needs to deal with. If somebody says "f**k you ass tard", it's very clearly flaming, but not everything is so cut and dry. In fact, the majority of comments are much more ambiguous than that.


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then this topic has a resolution and therefore should be closed, correct? someone asked a question(i believe, i lost track through all the boobie requests) and the people who are in a position of authority answered for him. it is cut and dry. it seems like you need to be more harsh with flaming, if it as detrimental to the site as you say it is, then squash it with infractions. it is THAT simple.
The reason why we keep it open is because others have questions or concerns that are relevant to the initial post. Just because the original discussion has been answered doesn't mean we can't keep talking about it. And like Joe said, there's a gray area. It's also a lose-lose position to be in. If we do nothing for bashing, then new members don't come back to the site. If we hand out infractions for it, members get butt-hurt, start to not like the staff, and they leave the site. It's a tough situation to be in, and discretion needs to be used. It's not as cut and dry as it looks.
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