Getting my first Civic


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So my first car was a 1987 Honda Accord LX-I and I loved the damn thing to death before it died after over 250k mi on it. I'm in the market looking for a new used car and I've pretty much decided that for now I am going to roll a Civic over an Accord simply because i can pay it off quicker, and I want to get the 2013 Accord coupe sometime in 2015-2016 when it will have depreciated.

Please help me shop for my new car, here are the options I have (all automatic):

A) Get a 2009 Certified Honda Civic EX-L in Satin Silver with grey interior (I'm not crazy about Silver although I've had a Lancer in the past that was silver) Does anyone have any pics of cool modded ones? I am not going to go crazy on the mods but would like it to be unique.

B) Get a Black EX-L sedan and mod it. Do you think it's worth it to get the EX-L even if it's not a coupe?

C) Say screw the EX-L and just go for a Black or Polished Metal Metallic EX

I'm having a hell of a time trying to figure this out so I'd really appreciate any input and or images of your own rides.



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its worth it to mod a 4 door if thats what you want to do.
Why do they need to be auto just curious?
I cant help you with pics because i drive a 6th gen lol.


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I have never driven a stick shift car, and I start a new job next week, so I'm a little worried about even considering a stick since obviously I'd rather have an SI than an EX. I'll be commuting at least an hour round trip and I'd probably freak out because I have no clue what I'm doing if I bought a stick.

Just looked at autotrader and and the market in Orlando just stinks for used Hondas imo. There were 2 si within 30 mi and I'd prefer one with less miles (86k was the lowest) Looks like even if I changed my mind (which I thought about) it looks like I'd still have to go automatic. I do think however, at some point in time in the future I might rent a car and practice just so I know how. Plus I hear they are a lot of fun as long as you don't have a lot of traffic.


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It wouldnt take you but a day to learn how to drive it, but i respect your decison.
what year was the 86k one


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2004 white hatchback for 10k, not too keen with where the shifter is placed when I looked at it. One of these days I'll take the plunge


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2004 white hatchback for 10k, not too keen with where the shifter is placed when I looked at it. One of these days I'll take the plunge
I understand about the shifter placement. Like it's where the radio goes. lol

Do you possibly have a friend or relative that drives a stick shift that could maybe teach you? It's very easy to catch on and once you do it opens your options up a good bit.


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Unfortunately we moved to Orlando 5 months ago, and we really haven't met anyone since we've been here. Wife does HR aka Work Police so it's hard to make friends on her end... I can't wait to get back to work to meet some people. Hoping to meet some people through car stuff too since it's been a year since I had one (had a Solara but sold it when I moved to downtown Denver last year) Right now I think I've narrowed it down to EX Civic or EX-L Accord (4cyl). I'd have to drive almost 150-250 mi to find exactly what I want. The Accord is only a grand more, think I might have to test drive both. Either way by next weekend I'll have a new Honda :D


New Member
My first car is 8g civic. I bought it last year this it so much .
hope you can find your satisfaction


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Any decent car dealership will teach you how to drive stick, takes 5 mins of watching and a half hour of practice.


New Member
Get something thats practical... Screw it!! Just flip a coin lol. Nah men i think polish metal is nice coz it dont get dirty fast like black
