f**king lol .DJ baby d**k
DJ motor swap
DJ no savings
DJ neck beard
DJ oldfag
DJ Pauly d16
lol I'm jk. looks like a nice setup man. good luck with your gig man
Grats man. I've always wanted to learn how to do that stuff.
f**king lol .DJ baby d**k
DJ motor swap
DJ no savings
DJ neck beard
DJ oldfag
DJ Pauly d16
lol I'm jk. looks like a nice setup man. good luck with your gig man
ya, I fell off for a bit after I sold my 89. Lurked for a bit in 05 and hopped back in after I swooped the EG DJ Lurker FTW!You've been on the site going on 9 years and have a post count of 300...
DJ Lurker
DJ Phantom