Turbo help?


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I own a 97 Honda Civic with 220k miles on it, I was wondering if I would just blow the engine by throwing on a turbo with so many miles, or if that would even matter, and the approximate HP I would be pushing afterwords?


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Just do a swap

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It all depends if the motor has been maintained or not. My last turbo y8 had 236ka miles and ran like a champ.
that was on a 19t greddy kit @ 196/189 after being tuned on crome.

Hp should be your goal and not your question.
Have a goal in mind...and work your way to that goal.


RHD is where its at
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Check compression and leakdown. If u dont know what this is then u have no business turboing your car...


Boost Junkie
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There is so much more to it than simply slapping a turbo onto the car and driving around like a jerk. I would recommend doing a LOT of research. Read the forums (just read through the forced induction area), ask around, etc. Having owned, built, and tuned my own turbo LS integra, I'll give you my advice:

220k miles is a LOT. Even for a Honda. Leakdown/Compression test your motor. If the results are good, I'd still tell you no, but that's just me.
Go with a NAME BRAND turbo setup. Don't buy eBay s**t, don't piece it together (unless you do some seriously thorough research, and have someone who is very knowledgeable about forced induction who can assist you the ENTIRE way through the process). Make SURE you tune it professionally. Don't wine. Just do it. Invest in things like injectors, a Fuel Pressure Regulator, a 255lph fuel pump (walboro ftw). Don't skimp out. Steel braided lines with A/N fittings, legitimate vacuum blocks etc., (don't do what most people do and rig it with T connectors and s**t). Do NOT boost above 10-12psi on that stock block. You'll blow it.

Honestly, it comes down to research, investing the money and not skimping out/buying cheap ass s**t, and doing things RIGHT. So long as you do that, the myth of a reliable, turbo car generating around 220hp is feasible. I was putting out 310hp to the wheels, dyno tuned, on a stock bottom end.

95Civic Dx

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There is so much more to it than simply slapping a turbo onto the car and driving around like a jerk. I would recommend doing a LOT of research. Read the forums (just read through the forced induction area), ask around, etc. Having owned, built, and tuned my own turbo LS integra, I'll give you my advice:

220k miles is a LOT. Even for a Honda. Leakdown/Compression test your motor. If the results are good, I'd still tell you no, but that's just me.
don't piece it together (unless you do some seriously thorough research, and have someone who is very knowledgeable about forced induction who can assist you the ENTIRE way through the process). Do NOT boost above 10-12psi on that stock block. You'll blow it.
Yes alot for a honda but a maintained honda that is running good compression on all cylinders is safe for boosting because for one it dosent matter about how many miles are on it 50,xxx or 250,xxxx its still a motor and no one can tell you how long it will last or if it is safe either one could blow so i don't see a problem. Now as in piecing one tougher is not hard you can look to see what the kits have and see what you need with minimal research. Also it dosent matter what what you set your boost at different turbos make different amounts off power at different levels you could make 200hp with a 50 trim at 6psi and make 300with a 60trim at 6psi so your boost would need to be set at what hp goal you set witch you will have to make one or you wont no what to buy.


New Member
There is so much more to it than simply slapping a turbo onto the car and driving around like a jerk. I would recommend doing a LOT of research. Read the forums (just read through the forced induction area), ask around, etc. Having owned, built, and tuned my own turbo LS integra, I'll give you my advice:

220k miles is a LOT. Even for a Honda. Leakdown/Compression test your motor. If the results are good, I'd still tell you no, but that's just me.
Go with a NAME BRAND turbo setup. Don't buy eBay s***, don't piece it together (unless you do some seriously thorough research, and have someone who is very knowledgeable about forced induction who can assist you the ENTIRE way through the process). Make SURE you tune it professionally. Don't wine. Just do it. Invest in things like injectors, a Fuel Pressure Regulator, a 255lph fuel pump (walboro ftw). Don't skimp out. Steel braided lines with A/N fittings, legitimate vacuum blocks etc., (don't do what most people do and rig it with T connectors and s***). Do NOT boost above 10-12psi on that stock block. You'll blow it.

Honestly, it comes down to research, investing the money and not skimping out/buying cheap ass s***, and doing things RIGHT. So long as you do that, the myth of a reliable, turbo car generating around 220hp is feasible. I was putting out 310hp to the wheels, dyno tuned, on a stock bottom end.

well said..


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^^maybe but lot of useless and wrong info as well..
1.investing in a fpr is NOT NEEDED..i made 340 hp just on my stock one.
2. vacuum blocks aren't always the way to go, i found that using t fittings gave better air to my wastegate and bov rather than sharing with other things that needed vacuum.
3. on my stock hx motor i boosted over 12 psi just fine, it just depends on the tune and what turbo you use.


Registered VIP
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5+ Year Member
There is so much more to it than simply slapping a turbo onto the car and driving around like a jerk. I would recommend doing a LOT of research. Read the forums (just read through the forced induction area), ask around, etc. Having owned, built, and tuned my own turbo LS integra, I'll give you my advice:

220k miles is a LOT. Even for a Honda. Leakdown/Compression test your motor. If the results are good, I'd still tell you no, but that's just me.
Go with a NAME BRAND turbo setup. Don't buy eBay s***, don't piece it together (unless you do some seriously thorough research, and have someone who is very knowledgeable about forced induction who can assist you the ENTIRE way through the process). Make SURE you tune it professionally. Don't wine. Just do it. Invest in things like injectors, a Fuel Pressure Regulator, a 255lph fuel pump (walboro ftw). Don't skimp out. Steel braided lines with A/N fittings, legitimate vacuum blocks etc., (don't do what most people do and rig it with T connectors and s***). Do NOT boost above 10-12psi on that stock block. You'll blow it.

Honestly, it comes down to research, investing the money and not skimping out/buying cheap ass s***, and doing things RIGHT. So long as you do that, the myth of a reliable, turbo car generating around 220hp is feasible. I was putting out 310hp to the wheels, dyno tuned, on a stock bottom end.
You call yourself a boost junkie, yet youre telling him not to;
-boost a 220k engine which can still be just as reliable as a 100k engine
-Get a fuel pressure regulator, da fuqq for?
-Walbro? Its a great investment but not needed at low psi
-Steel braided lines? For?
-10-12 psi on what turbo? That can change with any turbo. He can get a tiny turbo and boost 15 psi, but youll tell him not too?
