For just the half quarter panels years ago I paid $150 for both. Now for someone to do the actual welding and bondo work, I took it to a regular shop that did that and paint, all in one. It was a shop that did AAA and restored older hot rods. We thought the guy would do a decent job. It was great for 3 years. Now we can tell it was a botched job done to it and years later we can see the weld lines through it, up close. Spend the money and take it to a professional that will do the job correctly. You shouldn't be able to see anything unless it's under the plastic mud guard liner in the wheel wells. It should be 100% flush with the rest of the body. Even Maaco would have done a better job. LOL! Btw it was done on the red hatch.
This was for 92-95 models.
This was for 92-95 models.