OG スバリスト
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anyone else been following the F1 season? it's been pretty crazy, very unpredictable, and astounding as always... five races so far with very surprising winners. i won't let loose any details in case some of you haven't watched these races yet.
the monaco gp is tomorrow. qualifiers are starting in about 50 minutes. i can't wait!!
i'd like to ask everyone to adhere to a 24 hour rule in this thread for discussions/spoilers regarding qualifiers and races, for those who aren't able to get up early in the morning to watch the qualis and races live. this gives everyone a whole day to catch the rebroadcasts or view from online sources. i'll make a second thread for live discussion w/ spoilers.
the monaco gp is tomorrow. qualifiers are starting in about 50 minutes. i can't wait!!
i'd like to ask everyone to adhere to a 24 hour rule in this thread for discussions/spoilers regarding qualifiers and races, for those who aren't able to get up early in the morning to watch the qualis and races live. this gives everyone a whole day to catch the rebroadcasts or view from online sources. i'll make a second thread for live discussion w/ spoilers.