idk ive heard nothing but great things about this gun. so idk how its mostly for show. because its a .22?
No, because it's a flashy .22. Don't get me wrong, it's a very great performing .22. But to me, a .22 is for plinking, and $450 on a gun just for plinking is too much for my blood.
Most definitely. And I want something that is comfortable to carry if I ever decide to
I was actually deciding between a 1911 and an M&P45. A friend of mine, one that knows guns quite well, suggested that in case I ever have to carry, I wouldn't want to have that "plastic tumor" on my hip, I would want a real gun. There's a reason why the 1911 has not only been around, but also been in service for just over 100 years now. Don't get me wrong, other guns can be more practical. A standard size M&P will have a higher capacity, but I believe it's also wider. There's also some kind of inexplicable allure to a 1911. My SR9 is actually more's lighter, and has twice the capacity, but there's something about the 1911 that I like much more.
the compact ones are quite nice! i want a compact one in 357sig with
thumb safety and night sights
I use an index finger safety on all my guns