freshasfck!1997 EK Coupe~


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I've been so lazy to post pics lol. Besides the unpainted, test fitted lip (waiting for paint to come in), something just doesn't look right, or is it just me O_O. What do you guys think?

Colored match trims, lip. Also need to restore headlights but havn't had time. Also going to add an HD lip under the CTR lip after I paint it.



D-Series Soldier
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It doesn't look that bad, but it would look better with paint...


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It doesn't look that bad, but it would look better with paint...
Yeah I ran out of paint while I was painting the trims, I was so mad haha. Have to wait another week until I can complete my lip. I'm also thinking if I should slam but everytime Im on an incline or go over a speedbump, it makes me change my mind lol.


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I think it looks great! You don't care for how it looks b/c it's all matched and the lip isn't. I personally hate the CTR unpainted.

I deleted my build thread b/c of a guy bothering me on here that lead to pressing charges.


RHD is where its at
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Its the mirrors and the rims that dont look right and it needs to be lower..,

Sent from my Butthole using Fart power!


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I hated the trim and mirrors when I first did it. I got so used to the black. Agreed that it needs to be lower, but I personally like the stock mirrors. My BF wants me to have different mirrors too. I hate most after-market mirrors though, and CTR aren't cheap.

Go CTR since you have the CTR lip. Make it all flow.


RHD is where its at
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Yep. Ctr mirrors or go home...

Sent from my Butthole using Fart power!


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This guy is a high school student hes not balling with money >.<





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What he said lol ^^ . I'd love some CTR mirrors, maybe in the future. I'm going to drop the car another inch. I have Buddyclub coilovers, but no wrenches. What should I do, I heard tein wrenches work, any suggestions?


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I have no clue when it comes to the forks. I have forks for my Teins, but I'm not sure if they're universal.


All Day, All JDM
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What he said lol ^^ . I'd love some CTR mirrors, maybe in the future. I'm going to drop the car another inch. I have Buddyclub coilovers, but no wrenches. What should I do, I heard tein wrenches work, any suggestions?
Just do a lil extra work and unbolt the bottom bolts and twist the lower shock body to unlock the two lower perches, turn by hand to the desired height, twist the shock body back flush with the lower perches, re-install the lower bolt in the front forks/rear lower control arm.

It'll take longer than usual but it's not bad. Use an extra jack to gold the fork/control arm as you go to reinsert the lower bolts


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Just do a lil extra work and unbolt the bottom bolts and twist the lower shock body to unlock the two lower perches, turn by hand to the desired height, twist the shock body back flush with the lower perches, re-install the lower bolt in the front forks/rear lower control arm.

It'll take longer than usual but it's not bad. Use an extra jack to gold the fork/control arm as you go to reinsert the lower bolts
I know exactly what you mean, I did this to my rears, I forgot what happened to the fronts that stopped me from doing this, I'll take another look at it today. Thanks child


All Day, All JDM
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probably because the fronts are a bit more irritating dealing with the forks. But if you use a jack like i said, you can slide the fork up perfectly before tightening the bolt down. I've seen try to hold it up themselves and once they think the bolt is tight, the notice the coilover slide inside the fork a bit and its back to square one.


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Just order another wrench for future adjustment.
Yeah, it would make everything easier, but the thing is BuddyClub doesn't sell the wrenches seperately, and if they do, it's a hassle to get. That's why i was wondering if any other wrenches work :/


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Not much of a new update except that I unintentionally installed fogs. Still waiting for my paint =(

