D15b7 not turning on


New Member
My 94 civic dx wont turn on im getting fuel and spark plugs are working. Before all this happened one more thing it turned off on me when i was on my way home it started spittin and sputturing when i went to pull over it turned off i checked under the hood and a wire came off the dizzy. I put i back on and turned it on but didnt move a few feet when it turned off and i had somebody pull my car back home now wont turn on.


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Use a period and form proper sentences please. I am not going to try and decipher the run on mess of words.

I did however see you say runs but won't turn on in the first part of the ramble. That is not possible because if it ran that means that it turns on.

Please clarify and explain what you are talking about a little better.

Also you aren't getting spark or fuel. You can't get both and not have the car run. You aren't getting one of the two.


New Member
Use a period and form proper sentences please. I am not going to try and decipher the run on mess of words.

I did however see you say runs but won't turn on in the first part of the ramble. That is not possible because if it ran that means that it turns on.

Please clarify and explain what you are talking about a little better.

Also you aren't getting spark or fuel. You can't get both and not have the car run. You aren't getting one of the two.
Im sorry about that i edited now see if its better


Your Mom's Moderator
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That's a little better. Still confusing though. Is english your second language?

There is no way you are getting spark and fuel or your car would be running.

How do you know you are getting spark? Did you check the spark at each plug?

How do you know you are getting fuel? Is the pump priming? If so are all your injectors squirting?

Are your fuses good? Not just look good, actually tested good?

How is the charge on your battery? Is the alternator tested good as well as the battery? All grounds good, unfrayed, clean?

You NEED to give more information and do some leg work. Nothing we can do on this end but guess.

If you have any questions on ANYTHING I posted, I would suggest taking your car to a mechanic and have them figure it out.
