coolant system - is BrITA filtered tap ok to use?


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I've no distilled/bottled water, can I use the BRITA filtered instead for refilling w/coolant after flush? or do I really NEED to feed my car better water than I drink myself?


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Registered VIP
My opinion...water is water....i prefer hose water more though but thats out of habbit of doing it at gas stations XP I could be wrong though


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I've no distilled/bottled water, can I use the BRITA filtered instead for refilling w/coolant after flush? or do I really NEED to feed my car better water than I drink myself?
water will evaporate and freeze. Use coolant.


Registered VIP
^^ Not to mention water will rust your insides = no bueno. I only use water when trouble shooting an over heating issue or something to that effect. This way I can use straight hose water to determine junk I need to know while letting it run all over the ground, fix problem, then flush and replace with coolant.
