Is my clutch worn out?


New Member
SOMETIMES not all the time, my 93 civic eg jumps when im taking off smoothly from 1st its not like im rippin it or anything? When i start to move in first gear my car jumps, is that my clutch?


Registered VIP
Sounds like maybe 1st gear is on it's way out. Does it do it in any other gears? What happens if you try to start in 2nd? When a clutch goes out, it feels like you are doing a burn out but not going anywhere. You'll see/hear the RPM's going up but you'll be slowing down or not even moving depending on how bad the clutch is gone. You'll also smell a burnt clutch too depending on how it goes out on you. Smells really bad.


New Member
Sounds like maybe 1st gear is on it's way out. Does it do it in any other gears? What happens if you try to start in 2nd? When a clutch goes out, it feels like you are doing a burn out but not going anywhere. You'll see/hear the RPM's going up but you'll be slowing down or not even moving depending on how bad the clutch is gone. You'll also smell a burnt clutch too depending on how it goes out on you. Smells really bad.
One time i was rascing an EK, and i think i reved it to much in 2nd gear? and then my car started slowing down when my pedal was to the medal so then i switched gears and then i took off, but that only happened that one time, and nah i dont like to take off in 2nd isnt that bad for your car? 1st is the only gear it does it in....


Registered VIP
My suggestion to start in 2nd was a test to see if it's a trans problem vs. a clutch problem. I don't see your clutch having anything to do with "jumping" unless something is broken. A worn out clutch should act the opposite of "jumping". I think it's more likely 1st took a dump if you did a hard launch on it or something. Hard to say with out feeling it in person. And if you do start in 2nd, something is already wrong anyway so it will at least get you around for the time being you know? Do you hear any noises or feel anything odd while shifting? Can you smoothly roll through each gear while the car is off/on?


New Member
Yeah i can switch gears smoothly when the car is on/off, and so then what do you think it could be cause what my car does is like you know when you take off wrong it like jumps kinda? Well its jumping like that but im going mad slow and im releasing the clutch smoothly...? idk what it could be?


Registered VIP
Like when someone is just learning to drive a stick and they're about to kill it? That feeling?


New Member
YEAH! like when someone is just learning and they let go of the clutch to fast and give it to little gas and it jumps but doesn turn off
