It'd have to be a very close squirt to your ear (in cab) or your motor is crazy quiet! LOL.. Are you leaking clutch fluid inside your cab perhaps?
Nice work on the sticker placement too! I'm considering trading my auto EE4 for a manual EE4 today but I want to work in his EG hatch to the mix as well. Can never have too many Honda's! He recently had surgery so it's hard to drive a stick and all have his cars are manual. He was into my auto wagon a couple months back and happen to find a manual one on Craigslist for $500 the other day so I told him to buy it and we'll talk about doing a trade if we can work some other things in along with it. He was down... Sorry to jack your thread with that story LOL.. Just love me some WAGONNNNNN!! ha
Oh, that ipod port, does it have a screen? I think it would bother me leaving it in there where it was harder to reach or see it (even though you should know the artist already). The only apple products I own are a shuffle for working out and a desktop for video editing. Other than that, i'm PC/Android all the way.