My days off are wasted on such worthless bullshit i swear...
I woke up this morning and got everything done i needed to do before i started working on my truck.
Then i went out in the garage and put my 4 link bar back in to get this thing ready to lift off of the ground and ready for a trailer.
So then i ran to the hose and fittings store to get all the stuff to be able to aur this truck up with my shop compressor so i dont have to put a battery back in the truck and rewire everything again.
So i go to the store and tell them what i want to do and they look at me like im retarded.
So i go home and grab my airline and take it back in to them and explain what i need again.
I eventually end up behind the counter picking out what i need. Finally pay and leave.
Get back to the house. Figure out i need a reducer for my air hose from the compressor for the fitting to connect to the truck end.
Run and grab a reducer. Come home and fire up the compressor and then pop the line off and realize they sold me couplers with no air stop. So the f**king air just drains right out and wont hold pressure. So i wasted like 3 hours running around doing bullshit and got nothing accomplished.