I have a build thread on the orange hatch which is almost ready to go back together so i'll bump that thread with more pics shortly. So the point of this thread? I'm not sure. Mostly because I don't yet have anything to talk about on either of the white ones but took a few pics to send my brothers way and figured I might as well whore them out here too. My K20z3 and a 6 speed trans will be here in about 2-3 weeks (shipped (by truck, then boat, then truck again) from TX to AK) so once that gets here, i'll start a build thread on one of these other white hatches. Or maybe a blue hatch that will be here shortly?? I'm pretty indecisive currently I guess I can boost one of the other D hatch's once Chris's (mymemryloss) turbo junk gets shipped my way and start that build thread too.... Then I have that 90 Civic wagon to think about as well
So yeah.... I guess that's it. Kinda a boring Saturday
So yeah.... I guess that's it. Kinda a boring Saturday