They have a bunch of makerbots set up as a 'vending machine' or sorts. You put in your SD card with your file, say print, and come back in a few hours to pick it up. I just have to figure out the issue with my computer's SD card reader and then its a go.3D printing is an amazing thing. At my old job we use to do Stereolithography (SLA [ a photo-curing process, where a laser creates an object from a liquid resin] ) prototyping. We also had another machine that made parts in color from powder. The SLA machine only made parts in a clear appearance. Go for it man, if you can print your models do because its a good feeling holding the part in your hand at the end.
It is really cool technology. It opens up so many possibilities for manufacturing.I watched a special on that stuff on tv lol, really interesting stuff
I'd need either a .STL file or I would have to make the 3D model. I don't have time for the latter, but if you find a 3D part file I'd be glad to print it for you.^^So if I take a picture of an nsx...
This is correct.Don't think it works that way. It would need the full measurements and you are trying off of a 2D image.