There's a guy here on the site, Emerican, that can attest to how ridiculous the company I work for can get. He worked with me for a couple years.That is illegal as all hell. Any rightful employer would report someone to the BBB for saying anything like that.
No employee can work more than forty hours. Ever. I've personally been scheduled right at forty hours and had to stay late a few times in the week and was forced to take a break to stay under forty hours. This has happened multiple times.
I'm continuously short staffed. On Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays it will be me, as a manager, and two other employees. Here's where the issues come in. When we get busy, there will be one person on the register, one person on the grill, and one person in the middle actually putting the food together. This means NO ONE is on dishes, NO ONE can wipe off tables or tend to customers. If a customer spills a drink and someone has to clean it up, then one person takes on two roles. (Middle and grill typically.) Keep in mind, I'm supposed to be a manager but on Monday - Wednesday I'm one of the three on those stations. How can I supervise/manage when I'm up to my neck in tickets? I can't check on customers, I can't do too much of anything except deal with the mass of orders.
If we don't reach a certain number in sales then I'm supposed to send someone home as soon as I can.
Then the next morning the day manager (which is my girlfriends brother) (yeah, shoot me. (-_-)) will complain about no extra work getting done. Which makes his shift have to work harder. I can't help this. I try as hard as I can to work with what I get.
All this for an average of 450 bucks every two weeks.
I need a new job. Lol
There are a million other things but I'm not gonna just sit here and complain.
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