94 integra gsr


New Member
Well, he told me that the previous owner hit the curve and damage the rim and suspension parts on the front passenger side. He replaced bearing and axles and put on the current rims.


Avi, pull your socks up.
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Bad title is a no go for me. But that's just my .02

96 DX Hatch

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Salvage title, $2k tops.
If it's 'rebuilt', that's another $500-1k, but if it's still in 'salvage' state, it's not worth it.

Just because it has different wheels and some other cosmetic touches, doesn't make it better.

'tags good til september' :rolf: Now, I don't know if Cali is different from FL, but if not, that tag cant just be transferred with the car


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5+ Year Member
I have a feeling that if you buy it, you are going to have problems out the ass. If i were to buy it, 3k max.


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5+ Year Member
I think it's a great find but idk if he'll bite 2500, just offer and see where it goes?

Sent from my civic using a stock engine
