Blacked Tail Lights: Illegal?


SOHC Sedan Swag
I just recently smoked my tails. (pic below)
I want to know if these are Illegal to have on my car while driving. The picture is when the brake is pushed down. Also, The trunk lights won't light up on the passenger side, but they will on the driver side. Also, the corner lights won't light up on the passenger side, but they will on the driver's side. See the picture to see for yourself. Any tips on that would be really helpful! :D



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Don't you think you shoulda found out the tint laws BEFORE you smoked them? LOL The age ol' saying, it's better to beg for forgiveness than ask for permission doesn't hold true for Johny Law! hahah

I do know this.. In most every state, it's illegal to tint your lights if a certain amount of light doesn't shine up to such and such amount of feet away. If you do get pulled over, they'll just use the lights as the excuse to double check you don't have warrants and things. If they find nothing against you, you'll either get a fix it ticket or they'll just let you go. I've smoked my tails before, but never got pulled over for it. Soo... Good luck man! .. Consider picking up a back up set of lights from a junk yard or something in case you do have to "fix it". Then just swap them back :thumbs up

P.S. ... Friendly bit of advice. Lose the wing and swap the trunk for one with out holes in it. Clean and classy always wins.

96 DX Hatch

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Ricer tails would be the least of your worries.

I'd be more concerned with that park bench being an obstruction and receiving a ticket for that.
Not that they would, but it's hideous.


Your Mom's Moderator
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Yes, they are highly illegal. Like said above, if you get rear ended it will be YOUR fault. Blacking out your tail lights reduces the visible light coming out of them and the person behind you might not see them especially during the day.


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They are illegal where I live at least. You need to have at least some red showing even when the lights are off. That's why when you see something like a Lexus SUV with all clear tail lights they have red reflectors in the bumper.


New Member
it all depends on your local ordinances and the cops discretion. unfortunately, you drive a modded honda, so it probably wont go well for you lol.


96 DX Hatch

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Per FL law, your taillights must be visible from 1000ft away, and the brake lights must be 300ft during the day time.

Are they going to hassle you? Depends on the cop and your area like most modification-related things.
wait doesn't florida have that no fault insurance crap ???
They seem to go back & forth every couple years or so.


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because so much has already been said about the tint, let's move on to the next concern: the fact not all your lights are working. Of course, first check all your fuses. If they all check out, then you'll need to check the bulbs themselves, then move on to the wiring if the bulbs are fine.


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I wish it would be illegal everywhere. Soooooo takkkky

Sent from your moms house.


SOHC Sedan Swag
Thanks for all the advice! I will take it all into consideration! I talked with a guy at our local parts store and he said that
As long as you can see brake lights through my tails, you should be fine. But yeah there probably would
Be a higher chance of me getting pulled over. Thanks for all the advice!
